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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Fanya is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Eastern Europe[]

Nothing is known about Fanya's life prior to or as the outbreak began. Aside from It's likely she grew up in an eastern european country.


Fanya's Story - Past Identity[]

Fanya goes on a run with Chloe, Sarah, Lake, and Crane at a mansion in a neighborhood that used to be a hideout for The Raiders. After they've killed the raiders, they decided to scavenge the place where Sarah and Chloe find a locked safe and try to open it. The two fail to do so, but Fanya comes in and is able to crack the safe open after putting her ear to the door and listening to the clicks when turning the lock. Inside the safe, they find an amber liquor within side a solid crystal bottle. Everyone else in the group goes inside the mansion while Fanya takes watch outside.

Later they all drink the liquor while speculating about Fanya's past and all talk about what they know about her; she was found by Eric with a kid named Luca and was with him because his parents had died, she's spoke German with Gunther, and French with The Captain, she knows has combat skills, she knows how to crack a safe, and she is knowledgeable about high society. After this, they all speculate that she could have been a hitwoman, a secret agent, or a spy, but Crane states that they're all drunk and talking nonsense, something the rest of the group agrees with. Crane states that at the end, it doesn't matter what anybody did before the apocalypse before finishing the last of the liquor. Unbeknownst to the group, Fanya had been listening to their conversation and amusingly chuckles before walking away.

Chapter 56 - Last Moments[]

Fanya is leading a scouting group consisting of Nicholas, Sean, and Ryan. She reminds them that this will be the final official scouting run for some time as they reclaim the city from the undead. The group begins to fight with each other as Nicholas worries for Sean's deteriorating, Ryan getting impatient with Sean and Nicholas, and everyone wondering why Nicholas was even allowed to go on the run given that he's their towns construction foreman. Fanya tries to keep the peace between everyone as they clear out a building that they'll destroy to begin the cities reclamation. Once they reach the building, the four of them split up with Fanya and Nicholas going to see where they can place the explosives to destroy the building while Sean and Ryan search the building for supplies. Fanya and Nicholas reach a door that should have some more tools that they need to fully complete their task. Seeing that the door wont budge, Fanya picks the door's locks. Nicholas starts to ask about her past, even stating that he's not the only one who has questions about it; however, Fanya immediately shuts him down by saying that none of it matters. Nicholas agrees and says that he should be thankful for her help.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Fanya has killed:


  • Because of her name and the game developers wanting to introduce more international characters and locations through numerous events in the game, many people have speculated that this character may be from a Slavic country with the most popular guesses being that they are from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Czech Republic.
    • Although not revealed where she is from, it is known that she is able to speak both German and French.
      • This makes her one of six trilinguals in the franchise, with the other ones being Eun-Chan who speaks Korean, French, and English, Gabriel Stokes who speaks English, Spanish, and American Sign Language, Daniel Salazar and Victor Strand who both speak English, Spanish, and German, and Yumiko Okumura who speaks English, Japanese, and American Sign Language.
    • The group she went on a run with speculate that she is very likely Eastern European, but even this isn't confirmed.
  • Her character model has been noted to be very similar to Stalker. If this was intentional or not is unknown.