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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Thanks, Eleanor.
―The female villager to Eleanor.[src]

This female villager is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. She is a resident of Prescott.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life before the outbreak, except that she may have lived in or near Prescott.


A New Frontier[]

"Ties That Bind - Part 1"[]

When Clementine and Javier walk through the entrance of Prescott, this villager is sitting down whilst speaking to Eleanor, before walking off to Prescott's bar. Whilst in the bar she is seen on the stairs speaking to a man. When Clementine shoots Eli, this villager witnessed it and is shocked and walks out the bar, scared. If Javier tells the truth about Clementine accidentally killing Eli, this villager can be seen with Eleanor again and states that she needs rest and gives an item to her which she thanks Eleanor for. When Javier arrives, she is surprised to see him and gives him an awkward look. She then walks off and looks back at Javier.

"Ties That Bind - Part 2"[]

Although unseen, this woman was present when the New Frontier attacks Prescott. As she is not seen and many residents are shot or devoured by walkers, her ultimate fate remains unknown. However, she is most likely dead, as Eleanor mentions that everybody from Prescott was killed and the remaining survivors had all fled with Javier's group.


Killed By

This girl is presumably killed by the New Frontier or devoured by zombies.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this girl has killed:

  • Possibly a few unnamed members of the New Frontier
  • Numerous counts of zombies


The Telltale Series[]

A New Frontier[]

