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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This place, Fred and Cindy Drake's.
Rick Grimes telling Morgan Jones that the house in which they are staying belonged to Fred and Cindy Drake.[src]

Fred Drake is a character mentioned in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of King County, Georgia, alongside his wife Cindy Drake.


King County, Georgia[]

Almost nothing is known about Fred's life prior to the outbreak. At some point in his life, he married Cindy. Both of them lived in the same area as the Grimes family since they were neighbors. Rick Grimes went over to their house a few times.


Season 1[]

"Days Gone Bye"[]

At some point after the outbreak, Fred and Cindy abandoned their house. It is unknown what happened to them, leaving them with an unknown fate. After this, Morgan Jones arrived with his wife Jenny Jones and their son Duane. Jenny reanimated and after Rick was saved by Morgan and Duane, he recognized the place. Morgan stated he never met Fred or Cindy.


TV Series[]

Season 1[]


  • Fred's last name was originally going to be "Werner".[1]

