Fynn is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Nothing is known about Fynn's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was a medic in the German military and lived in Germany.
Fynn's Story - Fear Of Abandonment[]
Fynn rescues Charlotte from being killed by an attacker, Fynn killing the man in turn. The rest of the group reunites with Charlotte and make sure she's alright. They notice that the other attacker is still alive. Stefan drives an axe through the man's head before the whole group decides to leave the hospital.
Survival Records - Boarding Pass[]
Stefan's group is trying to escape Berlin when they hear a helicopter in the distance. The person in the helicopter tells them to go to the nearby museum and that they'll rescue anyone who isn't bitten. On the way, Richard, a member of the group, is bitten. Stefan, knowing he wont make it, shoves him into a horde of walkers, much to Fynn's horror. As they get closer, Hans and Charlotte debate on if the man's life mattered. Eventually they reach the Museum and meet Johanna who says that her group will take them all to safety.
Survival Records - Ideal Settlement[]
As the helicopter is running out of fuel, they land near the West Berlin Mansion. While Johanna and Skipper are refueling the helicopter, the rest of the group decides to investigate the mansion. While clearing it out, they realize it can make for a nice settlement. While searching the mansion, they come across Maximilian and save him. From there, the group decides to set up base at the mansion.
Survival Records - Differences of Opinion[]
After having rescued Maximilian, the entire group decides clear out the rest of the mansion. Fynn and Stefan ask about any survivors nearby, to which Maximilian talks about a nearby church community at the Riverside Village. While clearing out walkers Charlotte is almost killed once and Hans is almost killed twice. Hans, fed up with having almost been killed, says that they should either leave the mansion or ask the nearby villagers for help, something that Stefan agrees with. This causes discourse within the group due to Fynn thinking that to be a bad idea given what they went through in Berlin. Stefan and Hans for leave the group and head towards the church community.
Chapter 47 - Signs Of Divide[]
Fynn and Maximilian went to go fishing for their community when two Riverside villagers confront them about how they're not allowed to fish during this time of year as that's what Stefan has ordered. The villagers and Maximilian are ready to get into a fight when Fynn calms everybody down and says that he'll talk to Stefan about it. The villagers leave, but threaten the duo not to cross them again. Fynn eventually meets with Stefan to discuss the newly imposed rules; however, seeing that neither of them will compromise, they decide to go their separate ways and threaten to kill each other if they meet again.
Chapter 48 - Siege[]
Johanna and Charlotte are talking about their life before the apocalypse began when they hear an explosion from outside the walls of the mansion. Fynn and Maximillian come out to investigate the noise and quickly realize that the Riverside villagers are attacking them. Fynn warns the women of the dangers and suggest they stay inside for safety; however, they agree to fight. The four of them go down to the courtyard to fight the Riverside villagers.
After the battle, Stefan and Hans confront Fynn and Maximilian. Stefan and Hans tell Fynn and Maximillian why they want the mansion, much to Fynn and Maximilian's disbelief as they said they would have helped them out. Hans and Stefan however disagree with this assertion. Stefan states that anyone who wishes to leave peacefully is able to do so and wont be killed while anyone that stays will be killed.
Chapter 49 - Leadership[]
The mansion survivors regroup and check to see who had died and who's been injured. They decide to make a last stand on the second floor of the mansion against The Villagers.
While Stefan and Hans are planning on how to get up the second floor, the rest of Villagers start bombing the mansion, forcing the everyone inside to flee.
After seeing what has transpired outside, Stefan implores Fynn and Hans to take the remaining village survivors into the mansion, both of whom honor Stefan's dying wish.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Fynn has killed:
- German Attacker 2
- Inventory Manager (Zombified, Alongside fellow group members)
- Head Housekeeper (Zombified, Alongside fellow group members)
- Many unnamed West Berlin Mansion employees (Zombified, Alongside fellow group members)
- Many unnamed Riverside Village residents
- Numerous counts of zombies
- Since All-Stars' International Expansion where they started adding missions and characters located in other countries, Fynn is one of five international characters to come from another country and not be classified under the Unknown Alignment.
- Kashimoto Aya, Arthit, May, and Oliver are the other character to have this distinction.
- Fynn is one of two characters to not be the main protagonist of their personal backstory.
- The other character with this distinction is Pierce.
- Fynn is one of sixteen characters to physically appear before having their name confirmed.