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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Private Gaines (first name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a Private in the U.S. Military, who only appears in a deleted scene from the episode, "TS-19".


Location Unknown[]

Hardly anything is known about Private Gaines before the outbreak. He was called to serve when the outbreak began and he worked along with the U.S. Military as well as FEMA in attempt to stop the zombie virus outbreak.


Season 1[]


Private Gaines is among the soldiers dispatched to Harrison Memorial Hospital to assist with the evacuation efforts. Inside the hospital, Private Gaines argues with Shane Walsh on whether Shane is infected or not before a walker surprises them and the two men kill it.[1]

Following the executions of medical staff and patients and the hospital being overrun by the undead, Private Gaines' status is unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Gaines has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people


  • Similar to Candace Jenner, Private Gaines only appears in the deleted scenes of "TS-19".


  1. When asked by an administrator over Facebook about his deleted scene in "TS-19" as Private Gaines, Mike Senior replied "I had lines and shot a scene for that episode where Shane and I got into an altercation because I question if he was infected or not before a zombie surprises us and we both kill it. Unfortunately, the scene was cut from that episode (they got same point across without it). That said I'm working on getting on season 3. I absolutely love the show. Knew it was gonna be a hit when I was filming it. I did have a mask on as well."