George is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about George's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
George's Story - The Problem Solver[]
On his day off, George comes across a crime scene where a Commonwealth soldier is violently interrogating a resident. This reminds George of how his friend, Santos, was once framed for a murder before the apocalypse. During that investigation, he talked to Officer Moore, bar manager Julian, store owner Oli, and customer Reg about what had happened and why his friend was being arrested. Figuring that something didn't make sense, he returned the next day and saw the Bar Manager. They both talked about the case and Julian told George to go to a nearby warehouse. George went there and was promptly attacked. When he regained consciousness, Julian was standing over him and it was revealed that the murder victim, Marsha, was Julian's lover and that she was killed because she had found out about his dealings with the police officer and that he had framed Santos because he too knew about the dealings. George vowed that he'd get Santos freed from all this. Back at the Commonwealth, George grabbed the suspect and made sure that he was no longer being manhandled.
Mercer's Story - Ax of Truth[]
Mercer and George are tasked with protecting Anthony from an incoming horde. Anthony is mad at the pair for even allowing the dead to get near him and kicks them both in the shin. While clearing out the dead, Mercer finds Jackson who is using an ax against the dead. Jackson teaches Mercer how to use an ax before they both go to take care of the dead. Jackson is bit while clearing out the dead. Mercer makes sure he doesn't turn, and then him and George dig a grave for the man. Later on, Mercer and George talk with Pamela Milton and explain how Anthony's incompetence led to Jackson's death.
R & Hudson & George's Story - Like The Good Old Days[]
R and Hudson are playing a rock throwing game to see which of the two is stronger. George, who's delivering some documents from The Commonwealth to Asyl, sees them playing and is invited to play. George asks what does the winner get to which Hudson replies with Sardines. R wins the game and shares his winnings with George and Hudson. The trio then lay in the grass and talk about how playing that game makes them feel like a kid again.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims George has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Denise is one of three comic-adapted characters to have traveled to Buffalo, New York within the games story.
- The other two characters to do this are Paul Monroe and Denise Cloyd.