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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Gerber Gear is an arsenal of survival weapons which were introduced when Carl Grimes found them next to a man in a truck on the Vehicle Jammed Highway in the episode "What Lies Ahead" of Season 2.

It contained seven different Gerber Tools such as knives, machetes, and an Axe. Similar to the bag of guns, it was distributed to the survivors to be used, most notably Glenn, Daryl, and Lori.

The kit is known as the Gerber Apocalypse Kit, and can be bought for $349.


Gerber Gear[]

Picture Weapon Series Lifespan Owners/Users
Gator Machete Gator Machete "What Lies Ahead" to "Internment" Shane Walsh
Glenn Rhee
Rick Grimes
Carol Peletier
Camp Axe II Camp Axe II "What Lies Ahead Carl Grimes
Gator Machete Pro Gator Machete Pro "What Lies Ahead" to "Better Angels" Daryl Dixon
Survival Series Parang Survival Series Parang "What Lies Ahead" to "Hounded" Lori Grimes
Maggie Greene
Rick Grimes
LMF-II-Infantry-Black fulljpg LMF II Infantry "What Lies Ahead" to "Hounded Andrea Harrison
Glenn Rhee
DMF Folder DMF Folder "What Lies Ahead" to Present Rick Grimes
Drop Point Epic "What Lies Ahead" to "Pretty Much Dead Already" Carl Grimes

External Links[]

  1. Gerber Gear's Official Site
  2. Gerber Gear Apocalypse Kit's Official Page