Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

―This guard to Daniel before being pushed off.[src]

This guard is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He is one of Dante Esquivel's bodyguards at the Gonzalez Dam.


Nothing is known about this man's life before the outbreak began, except that he lived in Tijuana, Baja California.


Season 3[]


This man and another bodyguard are holding a captive man over the edge of the dam as Dante explains to Victor what the man has done before signaling to his bodyguards to push the captive over.


This bodyguard is first seen on patrol through Tijuana with his fellow bodyguards, looking for someone. Later, he is seen in the cafeteria at the Gonzalez Dam when Dante Esquivel arrives for lunch. Later, he accompanies J.C., Daniel, and Othón on a scouting mission to look for the unauthorized water source and finds Efraín's hideout. Back at the dam, he is in the interrogation room after Efraín is eventually captured. When it is decided that he, Lola, and others are to be executed, he is at the dam's edge with Dante and stands guard behind the captives. However, he is subdued by the captives and pushed over the dam's edge, causing him to fall to his death.


Killed By

After Daniel turns on Dante and kills his men, this man is pushed off the edge by Efraín after he attempts to run to stop Daniel.


Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 3[]
