The Grady Conflict is a minor conflict that occurred during the fifth season of AMC's The Walking Dead.
Beth Greene is kidnapped and brought to this hospital after being separated from Daryl Dixon in rural Georgia. After the residents introduce themselves, the doctor, Steven Edwards, is accompanied by Beth as he makes his first rounds. His first stop is a man they found under a bridge. He unceremoniously pulls the plug and stabs his brain. He explains that resources are scarce; if a patient doesn't improve almost immediately, they have to cut them off. They take the body for disposal. "Come on, the body's getting cold," Dawn says. They take the body and drop it down an elevator shaft to the basement. Steven explains that if the body is still warm, the rotters will take care of most of it.
A new patient is whisked in who fell from a second floor window. The officer who brings him in whispers to Dawn Lerner, who suddenly becomes much more involved. Dr. Edwards says that it's a losing battle but Dawn insists that he try anyway. Things aren't looking good. The doctor shows Dawn his bruised stomach and that he is suffering from too much internal bleeding. When the doctor delivers the bad news, Dawn lashes out and slaps Beth, reopening her sutured cheek. Dawn tells the doctor "Steve, try to grasp the stakes here."
Dr. Edwards re-stitches Beth's cheek and leaves so she can put on a fresh shirt that Dawn's ward, Noah left for her. She finds a lollipop in the pocket and smiles. Beth and Dr. Edwards are called to a patient down the hall and finds a woman, Joan, who's been bitten. Her arm has to be amputated but she refuses treatment and was caught trying to leave the hospital. Beth is forced to help hold her down while the doctors saw her arm off.
Dr. Edwards tells Beth to check on Mr. Trevitt and instructs her to give him 75mg of Clozapine (an anti-psychotic). Beth goes down and injects it. Noah stops by just as Trevitt starts to seize and flat-lines. Lerner comes in and stabs the dead man in the head, ordering for his body to be removed. When Dawn demands to know what happened, Noah takes the blame, saying he accidentally unplugged the ventilator. Dawn tells an officer to take Noah to her office. When Beth tries to explain what happened to Dr. Edwards, he says, "You gave him Clonazepam (a different drug, a sedative), right?" Beth is confused and hears Noah being beaten in the other room. Edwards tells her that she gave him the wrong medicine and that the overdose killed him.
Later, Dawn comes to Beth's room. She knows that Noah didn't unplug the ventilator. She says she had to beat Noah for his dishonesty and to keep him in line. She proceeds to tell Beth that she isn't the greater good and hence isn't keeping her worth. "The wards keep my officers happy. The happier my officers are, the harder they work to keep us going." Beth goes to see Noah, who had sustained a laceration on the eyebrow and a black eye. He says that "it's not as bad as it looks". He tells her that he knows that Trevitt was important to Dawn for some reason. Beth says she'll leave with him. He tells Beth that he'll distract Dawn while she makes a play for her spare elevator key.
When they get their chance, Beth goes through Dawn's drawers. She finds a wallet and finds an ID with St. Ignatius Hospital on the back. Then she looks over and finds the body of Joan on the floor. It is revealed that she killed herself by opening up the sutures on her amputation and bleeding out. The words "Fuck you" are written in front of Joan in her own blood, where she directed her final message to Gorman.
Eventually, Beth and Noah formulate a plan to escape the hospital, but in the end, Noah is the only one to escape. However, during the escape, Joan, one of the patients who is being sexually abused by the officers, kills herself, reanimates and kills Gorman, who has a lollipop jar smashed into his head by Beth, and Jeffries before she is finally put down. Shortly afterwards, an unconscious Carol Peletier is brought to the hospital.
The following day, Beth is still at the hospital. After trying unsuccessfully to intervene when one of the officers wants to switch off Carol's life-support, she does succeed in getting her some treatment. The same day, two police officers, Amanda Shepherd and Bob Lamson investigate gunshots nearby the hospital.
They drive into a location where they find Noah limping away only to be ambushed by Rick Grimes and the survivors. They are cuffed but another car driven by Officer Licari screeches into the area and rescues the two cops.
Rick and Daryl chases after them and eventually capture all three cops. The group brings them to a warehouse they've been using as a campsite and begins trying to create a plan with the cops. Lamson counsels Rick on negotiating with Dawn. He explains that Dawn will initially balk at the hostage deal, but will ultimately agree.
Later, Lamson directs Sasha to a window and tells her where to aim her gun. As she's staring through the scope, Lamson slams Sasha's head into the window. With Sasha now on the ground, bleeding and unconscious, Lamson makes his escape.
Rick chases after the fleeing cop, warning him with a police car's radio to stop. After Bob refuses to stop, Rick runs him down and eventually kills him.
Rick returns to the old building, and tells the group that he had to kill Bob. The two other officers explain that if Dawn knows how he was killed, she will take it personally. Thus, they agree to tell Dawn that Bob was taken by walkers. This will allow Rick to get in with minimal violence.
Back at the hospital, Dawn continues trying to reach her officers by radio but fails. In another room, O'Donnell starts berating Percy for not properly stitching a hole in his sleeve, and for forgetting to do the job. O'Donnell asks if she knows how to sew, but Dawn calls her away. Beth sits on the edge of the elevator shaft, looking downward. Dawn comes and they start to talk about the situation. Beth expresses frustration at Dawn's insistence that things won't always be like this, and tells her the world isn't going to magically get better. O'Donnell walks in, catching them in the conversation. He says it's time to make a change, that either Dawn can admit the situation to the rest of the officers or he will. She pulls a gun on him and the two argue. He comes after her, knocking her gun down the elevator shaft and the two fight. He starts to get the better of her and Beth steps in to help. When he's distracted by her, it gives Dawn the opportunity to regain the advantage and between the two of them, they throw him down the shaft.
Dawn comes into Carol's room, where Beth is propped up against the wall. Dawn tells her it's okay to cry, and Beth says she doesn't cry anymore. Dawn is drinking, and Beth tells her that she didn't cover for Beth to protect her; she did it to protect herself. Beth tells her that she's going to leave, just like Noah, but Dawn says that Noah will come back -- they always do -- and that she knows Beth knows Carol and that they should both stay. She tells Beth that the two dirty cops she had a hand in killing were bad people and the world didn't lose anything when they died.
On a roof near the hospital, Sasha has a sniper rifle. Tyreese doesn't want her beating herself up about Bob's betrayal and death. He tells Sasha the story of how he pretended to kill Martin, but that he couldn't and then the man turned up at the church (it ultimately was Sasha who killed him). He tells Sasha that maybe they haven't been changed by the world, which is good. She says that it's good, Tyreese is the same as before, but she can't be anymore.
Later, Daryl has joined her on the roof. Rick is on the street below, and approaches a police car with his hands up. He greets them by name and introduces himself; he says he's there to make a proposal. They tell him to lay down his weapon, and he does so (but the snipers have rifle scopes trained on the cops' heads).
The officers approach Rick and he proposes the even trade -- two people for two people. When the officers ask where Rick's people are, Sasha takes out a walker with a single shot from her sniper rifle. Rick says "They're close", and that he'll wait while they radio in.
Back at the hospital, Beth is getting dressed in her regular clothes, hiding scissors in her wrist wrap. Carol is now awake and Beth wheels her out to a hallway flanked by all of Dawn's officers and followed by Dr. Edwards. Rick and his group are led into the hallway and everyone collectively holsters their weapons. The two cops lie about Lamson's death as promised; Dawn's voice wavers when she acknowledges the fact. They trade Licari for Carol, and then Shepherd for Beth.
After the trade of Shepherd and Licari for Beth and Carol, Dawn demands Noah, which results in a heated dispute from both parties. Noah volunteers to stay which angers Beth, who then attempts to stab Dawn with a pair of scissors, only to be shot in the head by quick reflex from Dawn. After realizing the horrors of what she had done, Dawn mouths "No, I didn't mean to", but Daryl, in retaliation, pulls out a pistol and shoots Dawn in the head. After the other residents reject Rick's offer to leave with him, they part ways with Carol and Beth's corpse, intending to head to Virginia to return Noah to his home. The status of Grady is left unknown after this.
Grady Memorial Hospital[]
Rick's Group[] |
- It was revealed that the Grady Hospital fell at some point, and that all the residents of the hospital were killed off-screen.