Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The "Grant Trailer" is the fourth short of Overkill's The Walking Dead. It showcases Grant Moore, one of the playable protagonists of the game.


Grant Moore walks under an underpass as it rains. He spots a car in the distance and gets in it. He finds a bottle of booze in the glove box as well as a picture of a kid on Halloween. Grant reminisces about his granddaughter, Laura, to a zombie sitting in the driver's seat. As Grant continues to talk, more zombies approach and surround the car. Grant promises his granddaughter he'll find her as a herd approaches the car and the trailer comes to an end.



  • None


  • First chronological appearance of Grant Moore.
  • Grant's trailer is the only trailer where;
    • There is only one character featured.
    • No survivors are killed.