Gunther is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Gunther's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Gunther's Story - The Bigger Picture[]
During the onset of the apocalypse, Gunther was on a cruise ship with his wife, Astrid, and Leonard. When the world fell, the cruise had a system that anyone who was suspected of being bit would be killed and thrown overboard. One day while working with the fish nets, Astrid was cut. Despite explaining the situation, Astrid was killed and thrown overboard. Shortly after the cruise docked near Asyl, he and Leonard joined the community as engineers and blacksmiths. Eric would often come by and chat with the pair and when he needed something he'd always pay in cigarettes.
Survival Records - A Reason To Survive[]
Jeff tries to escape a burning building that had been attacked by The Raiders. Just before leaving, he runs into Gunther and saves him from dying inside the building.
Dispatch - Driver[]
Gunther asks the Dispatch Manager if someone from a scouting group can bring him back a pair of sunglasses as a tribute to his late wife who enjoyed travelling.
Fanya's Story - Past Identity[]
Chloe, Sarah, Lake, and Crane drink some liquor that they found while speculating about Fanya's past and all talk about what they know about her; she was found by Eric with a kid named Luca and was with him because his parents had died, she's spoken German with Gunther, she's spoken French with The Captain, she knows how to fight, she knows how to shoot, she known how to make herself a small target in battle, she knows how to crack a safe, and she is knowledgeable about high society. After this, they all speculate that she could have been a hitwoman or a secret agent, but Crane states that they're all drunk and talking nonsense, something the rest of the group agrees with. Crane states that at the end, it doesn't matter what they anybody did before the apocalypse before finishing the last of the liquor. Unbeknownst to the group, Fanya had been listening to their conversation and amusingly chuckles.
Survival Records - Unplanned Camping Trip[]
A group consisting of Chemist, Sarah, R, Eva, and Gunther regroup in the forest after having been ambushed by The Raiders. They lament Gabe's death before coming up with a plan of what they should do next. The group decides to camp out in the forest for the night. R and Eva split off from the rest of the group to look for mushrooms so that R can make mushroom soup for them. Eva comments how she's still not used to seeing people die around her, something that R can relate too. After finding enough mushrooms, the pair heads back to the camp so that the soup can be made. Sarah notices that R refuses to eat the mushroom soup, to which R responds with saying how he learned to make the soup from a Cook who was in his former group, but he can't eat it anymore since it reminds him of the man who had died shortly after teaching him how to make the soup. R then states that he'll keep watch for the night while the rest of the group rests up.
Chapter 35 - The Quickest Way[]
Annie is leader scouting group consisting of herself, Phoenix, Gideon, Rania, Belle, Tylor, and Gunther, who are all trying to meet up with a group on the northside of the city as they are about to fight with a group of Raidersstationed at the Airport.They all discuss how they hope it doesn't turn out into such a huge fight, like what happened during the winter. The group agrees that they got lost on the way, yet they continues on their way to the meet-up spot as they have no other option.
Chapter 36 - Construction Site[]
The group begin to cut through a Construction Site in hopes of meeting up with their people faster. They quickly realize that this is actually a community, with the leader confronting them shortly thereafter. The leader tells the group to leave as he still refuses to join their group. Confused, Gideon states that they're actually from Asyl and are trying to get to a meet-up spot so they can take on the residents of the Airport. The leader says that he was hoping to meet up with Asul eventually before saying how the Airport Community has warned them about refusing to join again. Suddenly a herd of walker approaches. Although some of the group members object to helping the community clear out the undead, they eventually agree to fight alongside the community. After the fight against the undead, the leader and a few other community members join the scouting group to meet up with the rest of Asyl Scouts that are at the meet up spot.
Chapter 40 - Talks[]
The Asyl Scouting Groups make it inside the airport and notice that several areas have been blocked off by luggage, thus sensing that they may be attacked soon. Their fears are justified when Curt and his group comes out and asks them what they are doing inside the airport. Eric tells him that they are looking to resolve the issue at hand in a peaceful way so that no one dies; however, Curt refuses to believe him and orders his Raiders to kill all the intruders. Despite this, the intruders are able to hold their ground. Eventually Curt calls off the attack and decides to start an uneasy alliance with his former enemies, much to his chagrin.
Kingston's Story - Leader's Burden[]
Kingston goes to visit Eric, who is currently recovering from an injury he sustained while scouting for supplies. The two then discuss how Gunther had come in earlier to drop off Kingston's new flashlight shield. Eric asks why he wanted Gunther to make him that kind of shield. Kingston explains that one time, while eliminating some Raiders, that they used floodlights to momentarily distract that and that although Kingston's group won at the end, he still lost three friends due to the tactic.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Gunther has killed:
- Many unnamed members of the Raiders (2 Direct, Many Alongside Asyl Scouting Group)
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Despite his weapon of choice being stated to be a Winchester Auto Rifle, his actual weapon of choice is a Machine Gun.