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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

To anyone who can hear my voice, know that you're not alone. Please hold on. We can make it through this if we don't give up. If we keep believing...
―The man's radio script partially read out loud by Harlan Carson.[src]

This radio operator is a zombified character in AMC's The Walking Dead. He lived in a cabin a few miles from the Hilltop Colony and manned a ham radio to look for other survivors.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


This radio operator is a survivor of the outbreak who was taking cover in a cabin a few miles from the Hilltop Colony, the radio operator was well-prepared, hiding his cabin using camouflage netting and putting up multiple traps for walkers. The man used his radio to call out to other survivors, but received no response. Apparently giving into despair, he eventually handcuffed himself to his bed and took an overdose of pills as well as covering his head with a bag to help the process along through suffocation.

Season 8[]

"Dead or Alive Or"[]

At some point after his suicide, the man's cabin was found by Harlan Carson and Gabriel Stokes following their escape from the Sanctuary after Gabriel heard the man's loose sign clanking against a pole. Gabriel found hope in the man's efforts even though there was no proof he had ever made contact with anyone. However, Harlan found the man's zombified corpse still handcuffed to his bed and gave Gabriel the bad news. Harlan then mercifully puts down the zombified radio operator.

After putting him down, Harlan retrieved a gun from his corpse while Gabriel found much-needed antibiotics to treat his severe infection in the radio operator's bedside drawer. The radio operator's antibiotics broke Gabriel's fever and caused Harlan to state that he may have just saved Gabriel's life. When Gabriel accidentally smashed the man's piggy bank, they found his car keys and a map showing how close the Hilltop was. However, after dealing with some walkers when Harlan got caught in one of the man's traps, they accidentally drew the attention of the Saviors and were recaptured before they could use the radio operator's jeep to return to the Hilltop.


Killed By
  • Drug Overdose and Suffocation (Suicide, Alive)

For an unknown reason, this man chose to commit suicide. He handcuffed himself to his bed, took an overdose of drugs and taped a plastic bag over his head to suffocate to death.

After finding this man zombified, Harlan puts him down.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this man has killed:

  • Himself (Suicide, Alive)
  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


The Walking Dead[]

Season 8[]


  • Given the presence of a loaded gun in his pants, it is unclear why he chose a drug overdose and suffocation as his method of suicide rather than shooting himself in the head, particularly as the method he used wouldn't prevent his reanimation.
    • It's possible that he was unaware that people turned no matter how they died.