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Walking Dead Wiki

Han is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Han's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Han was present during the war between The Raiders and the Western New York Alliance. Despite his faction of the Raiders having surrendered, Han still carried some bitterness over this thus leading him to abandon the Airport Raiders and join another group of Raiders.

Han's Story - Time For Change[]

The Sniper and Boss Thug are both interrogating a Raider who has just squandered some much needed supplies that they needed. Han observes this altercation and steps in. He grabs the raider and duct tapes a makeshift radio around him while telling him that he will run and draw walkers towards Asyl. The other two raiders question this initially, but Han ignores them and tells the raider to never return to them or else he will be killed. After the raider leaves, the other two ask again what the deal is, to which Han responds that he's trying to be a more peaceful man.

Chapter 57 - Empty Houses[]

Alexis and Han are keeping watch of an community who's moving away. They discuss all the recent changes that have occurred since the Airport Raiders, alongside of a number of other local communities, have joined the Western New York Alliance. Alexis wants to attack the community to get all their stuff; however Han states that it'd be smarter for them to wait until they've fully left the area to steal from them. While scavenging, they notice a Baby had been left behind. Shocked by this, the duo decides to hurry up in taking as much supplies from the community as possible. Despite this, the baby keeps crying and thus Alexis makes sure that the baby stops crying and go back to sleep, much to Han's amazement. As they're about to leave the community, Han and Alexis argue over the fact that Alexis is taking a bottle of booze for himself when it should be shared with the rest of the group; however Han relents at the end as Alexis managed to make the baby go back to sleep. They soon notice a horde of walker at the gate and are about to leave, but Alexis decides to go back as he feel like he forgot something and Han follows him afterwards.

Chapter 58 - Stakeout[]

Han and Alexis meet with Gina about their impending attack against Asyl. Gina states that if the come across anyone from Asyl, that they should capture them and extract any information they can from then through any means possible; however, if they are captured, that they should do everything in their power to kill themselves and not betray the organization. After looking for a place to stakeout the community, Alexis and Han discuss what Gina says. Alexis wholeheartedly agrees with Gina's ways while Han is much more skeptical of it. Alexis tries to get Han to talk about his past, with him only revealing that he immigrated to the States a few years before the apocalypse from Vietnam and that he expects everyone he knew back home to be dead.

Gina's Story - Scheme[]

Gina is in the office of a Library that her group had recently overtaken. She reads a book when Alexis knocks on her door saying he's got a surprise for her. Down below in the library's lobby is a man. Alexis reveals how this man is from Asyl and how they killed the two other individuals that were with him. Gina asks for this man's name, which he initially refuses; however he reveals it to be Grant when Han brings in a chained up walker. Gina presses Grant for more answers on what Asyl's ultimate plans are on how they'll retake the city and what'll happen after their utopia is completed. Grant eventually reveals that Asyl is using noise to draw walkers to the river so that they can be easily disposed of. Please with the answer, she signals Han to let go of the walker so that it can devour Grant.

Chapter 59 - Towards A New World[]

Han and Alexis are observing the Asyl Scouts. Alexis is angered that it's a large group that outnumbers them. Notching the large groups, Alexis says that they should go while also assuring Han that everything will be alright once the groups from Detroit and Cleveland arrive.

Chapter 60 - Retirement Plan[]

After three weeks of observing the reconstruction groups, Alexis and Han decide to leave their hideout so that they wont be discovered. The pair decide to cut through the zoo so that they wont be discovered.

Chapter 61 - Signal[]

Alexis and Han travel through the zoo during the early hours of dawn. Alexis wonders if any of the zoo animals are still alive and roaming the area, which Han thinks it's dumb as they'd surly been killed by now. When asked on how he know what kind of damage an animal can take, Han reveals that he used to by a hunter back in Vietnam and used to hunt down Indochinese tigers; however after being further pressed about it, Han comes clean and said he was only joking. Soon afterwards, they are stopped by Zoey, Eric, and Kate. Although they try to pass it off as just people travelling through, the duo sees through the Raiders' pretext. Eric demands that they meet with Gina. Alexis, confused by this, states that it'll never happen, especially with what had happened during the winter. Despite this, Alexis and Han agree to relay the message but also warn them not to get their hopes up. Despite this, it seems they never made it back to Library as Gina and Forest talk about both Alexis' and Han's disappearance.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Han has killed:


  • During the update notification that announced Han's introduction, he is mistakenly called Alice, in reference to Alice Warren, who was the previously introduced character into the game.
  • Han is the only non-reformed antagonistic raider who, although did so inadvertently, joined the Western New York Alliance after his faction of The Raiders surrendered to them.
    • Despite this, he does eventually defect from the network and joins Gina's faction of Raiders.