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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is a weapon designed after a request of the United States Special Operations Command, as an offensive handgun for the Special Forces. The gun is part of a larger weapon system that includes an attachable Laser Aiming Module (LAM), a suppressor, and some other features such as a .45 ACP +P ammunition rating and a match trigger.


Comic Series[]

The HK Mark 23 is Rick's main firearm throughout the comic series and is assumed to be his duty pistol. Although many may just think Rick uses a 1911 or a generic pistol in the comics, it can clearly be recognized by the markings on the slide in Volume 1: Days Gone Bye. This is a very expensive and large weapon to be used as a service pistol, however it is a solid choice for a weapon, as it was torture tested and shown to be extremely reliable under even the harshest conditions. The Mark 23 is also suppressor ready with a threaded barrel, has a capacity of 12 rounds, and is accurate enough to hit a still man sized target from 180 yards.

Volume 1: Days Gone Bye[]

Issue 4 "Issue 4" The Mark 23 on the cover of Issue 4.
HK Mark 23 "Issue 4" Rick is seen using his HK during the gun store raid. Note the markings on the barrel, the words "HK Mark 23" can clearly be seen.
Issue 5 Deluxe - Rick 9 "Issue 5" Rick uses his HK to fight a group of zombies attacking the Atlanta Camp.

TV Series[]

Unlike his comic counterpart, Rick in the TV series only makes use of the HK Mark 23 twice in the fifth season of the show to fight the Terminus gang. However, unlike in the comics, the gun is seen suppressor-equipped. It was apparently taken from Rick's armory in Alexandria by the Saviors in Season 7.

Season 5[]

Hkmk23walkingdead503 "Four Walls and a Roof" Rick holding his Heckler & Koch Mark 23 on Gareth.
TWDS5E03 23 "Four Walls and a Roof" Rick aiming his Heckler & Koch Mark 23 at Gareth.
AMC TWD Crossed "Crossed" Rick firing his Mark 23 at the police officers.
TWDS5E07 06 "Crossed" Rick aiming his Mark 23.
TWDS5E07 14 "Crossed" Rick holding his Mark 23.
TWDS5E07 31 "Crossed" Rick aiming his Mark 23 at Licari.

