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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Henry is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Henry's life prior to or as the outbreak began. Other than he grew up in a family with an older brother along with his mother and overprotective father.


Henry's Story - Growing Up[]

Henry is being reprimanded by his father, Jackson, because he grabbed a gun and tried to defend himself from an incoming horde. His mother, Stephanie, and older brother, Michael, defend Henry's actions. Henry leaves as he doesn't want to be screamed at. As he is outside the gas station, he hears several gunshots and goes back into the gas station and finds his whole family being devoured by zombies. One zombie comes towards him but Henry manages to grab his brother's gun before shooting the zombie and escaping the gas station.

Survival Records - Proof[]

Annie, Emily, Brody, and Phoenix are out on a supply run when they are attacked by The Raiders. While trying to escape the building they're trapped in, they come across Henry who decided to follow the group to prove he can be useful outside of Asyl, much to the group's annoyance. The group eventually manages to escape the building and admit that Henry was able to fend for himself inside, but that he needs to remember that running into a dangerous situation isn't the best situation given his age and that he'll be able to go on runs when he gets older.

Survival Records - Heading Home[]

The group eventually makes it out of the mansion and try their best to avoid the Raiders as much as they can; however they are eventually surrounded and must fight of the attacks in order to get back to the safety of Asyl.

Nicholas' Story - Meaningful Gift[]

Nicholas is having lunch, thinking about how long it will be for the new fortifications for Asyl's defenses will take. Once lunch ends, he addresses his crew before heading back to work; however he soon spots Henry in the crowd. Nicholas goes to Henry and asks him what he's doing there, with Henry responding that he just wants to help. Nicholas tells him that this is no place for the kid, but as soon as Henry is about to walk away, Nicholas invites him to talk. They discuss how Henry had already gotten in trouble, especially with Brody, for having snuck out with a scouting group in the past. Henry argues that everyone, even kids his own age, are helping out in the community, while he's constantly told to not interfere. Seeing where Henry is coming from, Nicholas decides to demonstrate something to him. Nicholas picks up his saw and begins to cut a piece of wood, picking up the sawdust afterwards and handing it to Henry. Nicholas then asks Henry is he can use the sawdust, to which he says no. Suddenly Nicholas throws the sawdust at Henry's face, much to the kids anger. Nicholas then washes the kids face before stating that even the sawdust still had some use despite its apparent uselessness. Afterwards, Nicholas hands Henry a notepad and pen and tells him how ever these things, which everyone else ignored, can be valuable if used correctly. Nicholas then leaves while Henry is grateful for the new gift he received.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Henry has killed:

  • Numerous unnamed Raiders (Possibly)
  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people