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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

You got it. Keep Pulling.
―This man to another resident.[src]

This Hilltop resident is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Hilltop Colony.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began. It is possible that he lived near Hilltop.


Hilltop Colony[]

At some point, this man joined the Hilltop Colony.

Lines We Cross[]

"Issue 177"[]

This man is helping rebuilding Hilltop from the attack of the Whisperers. He is seen telling someone that the plates to the roof are attached to the rope and to keep pulling while Carl takes a break to drink water.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this resident has killed:


Comic Series[]

Volume 30: New World Order[]
