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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the IMI Micro Uzi. You may be looking for the IMI Uzi.

The IMI Micro-Uzi is a smaller version of the regular Uzi, first introduced in 1980. The Micro-Uzi is 600 mm (23.62 inches) long or 360 mm (14.17 inches) long with the stock folded. Its barrel length is 197 mm (7.76 inches), its muzzle velocity is 375 m/s (1230 f/s) and its effective range is 100 m. It has a greater automatic rate of fire of 950 rounds per minute due to the shorter bolt.

The only version of this weapon was seen with a suppressor attached.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

800px-TWDS3E08 51 "Made to Suffer" Haley with a suppressed IMI Micro Uzi as she stands near a door while Andrea walks towards her.
MTSUZI "Made to Suffer" Haley with a suppressed IMI Micro Uzi as she stands near a door with Andrea.
MTSUZI2 "The Suicide King" Andrea picking up a suppressed IMI Micro Uzi after Haley was shot.
TWDS3E15 11 "This Sorrowful Life" Ben with a suppressed IMI Micro Uzi before being killed.

