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Walking Dead Wiki

Iris is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Iris' life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Eleanor's Story - No Other Way[]

During a blizzard. the group discusses if they're actually going to eat the meat they cooked. Walter has some hesitation; however, both Kane and Eleanor shut him down. The group debates on who gets to eat him first as Eleanor killed him and Kane cut him up to be cooked; however Walter takes the initiative to be the first one to eat him. As he's about to eat the meat however, he begins to break down. While Walter is breaking down, Iris goes to the cooked meat and begins to eat it, much to everyone's horror. Slowly Kane, Walter, and Eleanor began to eat the meat. As she was eating, thoughts on the man's face she had killed filled her mind, leading her to throw up. Despite this, she continued to eat.

Iris' Story - Bees & Honey[]

A group of former cannibals, consisting of Iris, Eleanor, Kane, and a fourth unnamed member, live in a Racetrack in Fort Erie, all of them trying to get away from their cannibalistic past. One day, Kane and Iris try to eat together; however, Kane offends Iris with his comments about her wasps. Frustrated with how Iris is treating him, Kane asks her what the issue is. Iris comments how Kane needs to go fix the hole in the fence before a biter comes in and kills one of the cows. Kane, angered by the insinuation that he isn't doing his job, is ready to pull out a gun at Iris until she emotionally stares back at him. This reminds Kane of what Iris is truly capable of and decides against attacking her. He agrees with her and goes on to fix the hole in the fence.

Kane's Story - Preserving History[]

While Kane was sleeping, Eleanor takes Kane's journal and burns it. When he wakes up, he questions Eleanor about her actions which she defends with that she wants the group to forget the past and leave the area. Even though he agrees with her, he tries to salvage as much as he can from the burnt journal. The pages he managed to save describe their travels to Canada, how they encountered Iris, how they killed a survivor and ate him, and losing Walter to a walker while crossing the International Railway Bridge. He also saves a few pages on how eventually reach a racetrack which they turn into their new home and later the argument he had with Iris, commenting that he's not scared of much but he is scared of her while calling her "No ordinary kid". The last pages he saved were about how the group was able to make contact with a community west of them and trade milk and honey for ammo and shampoo. Kane also starts taking a more fatherly role in Iris' life and wondering how she would have turned out had she been raised normally. Kane collects all the pages left, and despite agreeing with Elenor, vows to continue writing in his journal.

Chapter 53 - Journey to Uncertainty[]

Kane, Eleanor, and Iris prepare to head out to trade with Asyl. On their way to the trading spot with Asyl, both Kane and Eleanor warn Iris of escalating the situation as they need this trading partnership to work out. After entering back into New York, Kane talks about how he feels nostalgic and homesick being back, something that neither Iris or Eleanor can relate on account of Iris never having left the the US before and Eleanor having lived a nomadic lifestyle before the apocalypse. Eventually the group reaches the meeting spot, and Elenor reminds them to not talk about their past. Kane tries to assure her than everything will go smoothly before anybody from Asyl shows up.

Chapter 54 - City Renovations[]

Eleanor asks Iris if she sees anyone coming across the bridge. Kane and Eleanor begin to argue over having given Iris the task of being their lookout. Suddenly Iris sees the Asyl Scouting Group come across the bridge. Kane then says that they should meet the group halfway.

The two groups meet, with Kingston and Kane leading the discussions, each of them happy that they brought extra supplies for the trade. Hailey tries to talk to Iris by telling her there are more children in their age range if that's something she's interested in. Kane and Kingston then go off by themselves to discuss some more stuff.

Chapter 55 - Opinions[]

Kingston, Zoey, and Hailey discuss the group they just met with after the trade. with Kingston and Zoey noting how there was something off about the trio. Zoey took note of how both Iris and Eleanor seemed to always be on guard as if ready to strike, while Kingston took note of the odd group dynamics. Hailey tries to give them the benefit of the doubt, yet both Kingston's and Zoey's feelings about the group linger, both agreeing that they need to be more vigilant of the group next time they meet them.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Iris has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


  • Iris' Pets are noted to be a combination of Bees, Wasps, and Hornets.
    • Her Wasps and Hornets are the only ones she uses to attack other survivors.
  • In Journey to Uncertainty, Iris mistakingly says "You talk like countries even exist anymore" instead of "You talk like countries don't even exist anymore".
  • Iris has the most amount of pets in the entire franchise; however, the exact amount of pets she has in unknown.