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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Issue 20 is the twentieth issue of Image Comics' The Walking Dead: Small Bites, featured exclusively in the Deluxe edition of Issue 90. It was released on June 5, 2024.

Plot Synopsis[]

Rick tells Carl to get ready for bed, but Carl wants to finish his drawing of his "new brother". His logic being when his mom died, Rick got with Jessie, and ever since she died, he started hanging out with Andrea more, so if he were to die, he'd want to make sure he's replaced with someone cool. He shows Rick and Andrea the drawing and tells them if they ever see a kid that looks like that, to kill his parents and become his new mom and dad. Rick dismisses this and Carl heads off to bed. Carl comes back down and asks Rick instead of a bedtime story, could they just talk about Lori and Judith. Rick says he will and thanks Carl for being a sweet kid. As Carl goes back upstairs, Andrea comes back wearing a shirt Carl had made for Lori, as it was the only shirt she could find.




  • Carl telling Rick and Andrea to replace him if he were to die might be a nod to R.J. from the TV Series.