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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Issue 29 is the twenty-ninth issue of Image Comics' The Walking Dead: Small Bites, featured exclusively in the Deluxe edition of Issue 99. It was released on October 16, 2024.

Plot Synopsis[]

Heath yells at everyone to stop bickering so they could clear the walkers out faster. Rick agrees that there's no time to argue about whether or not it was a good idea for him to instigate the Saviors when they knew nothing about them, though everyone seems to agree that it was his fault. Rick however, still thinks it was just a good plan gone wrong.

At Abraham's funeral, Rick contemplates to Michonne that he feels this is his fault, which she tells him it is. Before the two can finish their conversation, they're suddenly surrounded by Saviors, including one behind them.



  • None


  • First appearance of Lucille.
  • First appearance of Negan. (Voice Only)
  • This issue's first page combined with the last issue's last page make a double page spread.