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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Issue 32 is the thirty-second issue of Image Comics' The Walking Dead: Small Bites, featured exclusively in the Deluxe edition of Issue 102. It was released on December 4, 2024.

Plot Synopsis[]

The Alexandria crew have held off an attack by the Saviors. Josh yells to Carl that if they're good, they'll get a turn to fuck up Dwight. However, Rick calls a meeting in the church.

Andrea gets angry at Rick's decision, but he tells her and the rest of the residents that he's desperate and tells everyone if they have a problem with it, they're free to leave. As Rick leaves the church, Josh suggests to Carl that they go back and live with Davidson. Carl tells Josh like he told the others, his dad just needs their help.



  • Numerous counts of unnamed Saviors (Confirmed Fate)


  • This issue's first page combined with the last issue's last page make a double page spread.