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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Jason's Ex-Girlfriend is a zombified character in Image Comics' The Walking Dead and the protagonist in Issue 4 of The Secret Diary of a Walker.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


At some point during the outbreak, this woman died and later reanimated. During this time, she dated another walker named Jason for a few weeks, but broke up with him.

We Find Ourselves[]

Issue 89/Issue 4[]

On Monday, this walker is complaining about how Jason keeps begging for them to be together. Despite her saying he's a nice guy, she just isn't interested in seeing him again. On Tuesday, she talks about eating an Italian named Lucio with her friends Sophie and Jessica. On Wednesday, she receives more messages from Jason. She is tempted to literally give him a piece of her mind, as a lump of her brain is dripping from her forehead. On Thursday, she and girls make plans for a big night out for the first time they got kicked out of Romero's. On Friday, they head over to Alexandria, but encounters Jason there, who follows her moaning about how he still loves her. They are then ambushed by Rick Grimes and Abraham Ford, who proceed to kill them both.


Killed By
  • Unknown Cause (Alive)

This woman somehow died and turned into a walker.

While trying to get away from Jason, this walker's head is partially cut off by Rick.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this woman has killed:

  • Lucio (Infected; alongside Jessica and Sophie)
  • Possibly numerous counts of unnamed people (Infected)


Comic Series[]

We Find Ourselves[]

The Official Magazine[]

The Secret Diary of a Walker[]
