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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This is Père Jean. We are waiting for him to rise again.
Laurent to Daryl about Jean.[src]

Père Jean is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. He was a priest at the Abbey of Saint Bernadette.



Nothing is known about Jean's life before or as the outbreak began aside that he had a grandfather who fought in World War II and that he served as a parish priest in France.


At some point following the outbreak, Père Jean joined the Union of Hope.

Season 1[]

"L'âme Perdue"[]

Daryl is shocked to find Laurent reading to a walker locked up in a cell and the boy explains that the walker is Père Jean, and they are waiting for him to rise again. Isabelle joins them and she orders Laurent to wait for her in the garden and attempts to explain to Daryl who is uninterested, telling her that "you've got a lot of witchy shit going on around here. Dead priest in a closet and a creepy kid? No thanks."

Stéphane, the other men, Isabelle and Véronique join Philippe who has discovered the zombified Père Jean. Véronique explains that they are keeping him because they have certain beliefs about the redemption of souls, even the wicked and the hungry ones. Stéphane orders Philippe to aim his bayonet at Père Jean, but the young man is reluctant as he recognizes the priest. Knowing that Isabelle was there when his men were killed, Stéphane demands that she start talking or the guerriers will start doing what they do. When Isabelle refuses to answer, Stéphane orders Philippe to finish it. Véronique recognizes the young man as Philippe Poulin whose family worshipped at the abbey, and who was taught the catechism by the Mother Superior and had his confession taken by Père Jean and she pleads with him not to do it. After some hesitation and asking the priest to forgive him, Philippe stabs Père Jean in the right eye with his bayonet, putting him down.

He was possibly buried by Daryl and Isabelle alongside the rest of the now deceased nuns after the battle.


Jean will appear in this episode.


Killed By
  • Unknown Causes (Alive)

Jean died of unknown causes before he was set to take Laurent up north and he was allowed to reanimate.

On the orders of Stéphane, Philippe reluctantly stabs Jean in the right eye with his bayonet, putting him down.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jean has killed:





Daryl Dixon[]

Season 1[]
