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What the hell is this crap? (…) It smells like shit.
―Jean complaining about his soup.[src]

Jean is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. He is a soldier for Power of the Living.


Jean is shown to be a quite rude and entitled individual, purposely knocking his tray of soup to the ground because he does not like it. However, when ordered by Genet to eat the soup off the ground, he complies with no resistance.



Nothing is known about Jean's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Paris, Île-de-France[]

At some point following the outbreak, Jean became a soldier for a political movement called Power of the Living.

Season 2[]


Jean complains about the lentil soup that's being served to everybody, purposefully shoving the tray to the ground. As Agathe goes to get a mop to clean up the mess, Genet intervenes, berating the Guerrier for wasting the food and ordering him to eat it off of the floor. After a moment of hesitation, Jean complies, earning Genet the gratitude of Agathe. Genet formally introduces herself to Carol, welcoming her to Maison Mère and explaining that she has no tolerance for bullies.

Later, Jean is one of the selectees chose to be turned into Ampers for the Power of the Living's attack on the Nest.

"Le Paradis Pour Toi"[]

On the tidelands near the Nest, the Power of the Living prepares for battle, rolling two cannons past the lined-up selectees. Carol steps behind Jean for cover as a large machine gun is uncovered in the back of a truck. The crowd panics but are held at bay by Guerriers as Genet orders for them all to be shot, but not in the head. The Guerriers manning the machine gun opens fire, killing all but Carol who throws herself to the ground and plays dead behind Jean's body. Dr. LaFleur and several others quickly move in and begin firing darts full of Amper Serum into everyone before they can reanimate. Although one hits Carol, she quickly manages to pull it out before she can be injected. An ATV drives up with Stéphane Codron -- a bandage covering his left eye -- chained to the back of it to be used as a lure for the Ampers.

The selectees all reanimate as Ampers and move towards Stéphane, the closest living thing, before one notices Carol. Getting up, Carol quickly hijacks the ATV and drives towards the Nest with Stéphane, chased by the Ampers. Carol is forced to stop due to the gate to the Nest being sealed shut, but the Guerriers blow it open with a cannon. Carol drives into the Nest and races through gathered Union soldiers, followed by the Ampers who quickly fall upon and devour the surprised soldiers with the Guerriers moving in behind the Ampers.

Ultimately, all of the Ampers, including Jean, are put down, but the Power of the Living wins the battle and takes control of the Nest.


Killed By

Along with the rest of the selectees, Jean is gunned down by a Guerrier on Genet's orders so that he can be turned into an Amper by Dr. LaFleur.

During the battle, Jean is put down by one of the Union of Hope soldiers.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jean has killed:

  • Possibly some unnamed Union of Hope soldiers and Nest residents (Infected)
  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people




Daryl Dixon[]

Season 2[]
