Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

That vase - that's something special. 'Fess up. You steal that from your Grandma Jean's house? I hope you left her that spoon collection.
―Rick to Shane[src]

Jean is a character mentioned in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is the grandmother of Shane Walsh.


Almost nothing is known about Jean's life prior to or as the outbreak began other than that she is Shane's grandmother.


Season 1[]

"Days Gone Bye"[]

As Rick was waking up from his coma, he was hallucinating that Shane was in the hospital room and mentioned Jean while commenting on the flower vase set in his room, jokingly asking if he stole it from his grandmother Jean's house. Rick's comment implies that Jean was still alive before the outbreak began.

It is unknown what happened to Jean after the outbreak began, but if she did manage to survive, it's likely she died of natural causes or was killed in the early days of the outbreak due to her old age.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jean has killed:

  • Possibly a few zombies and unnamed people


  • Jean was originally going to be named "Dale".[2]

