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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Jerel is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: Red Machete. He was a member of the Saviors and lived at the Sanctuary as a worker prior to his defection.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Jerel's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


At some point, he joined the Saviors and became a worker in the arsenal at the Sanctuary.

Red Machete[]

"What We Become"[]

Jerel is working in the Sanctuary arsenal when the new weapons recently plundered from the Alexandria Safe Zone are brought in. Another Savior hands him a wooden box containing a number of blades, including a red machete. He eyes the machete and looks doubtfully around at his surroundings.


Jerel runs through the woods after defecting from the Saviors and fleeing the Sanctuary with a number of supplies, including the red machete. He finds some canned food in an abandoned car. Later, he shelters under a tent to ride out a rainstorm.

Some time afterwards, he encounters the Saviors and runs away. A Savior shoots and kills him, and he reanimates.


Killed By

An unnamed member of the Saviors shoots Jerel through the back of the chest as he flees through the woods due to the fact that he abandoned the Saviors.





Red Machete[]


  • Jerel is the second known character to defect from the Saviors before All Out War, the first being Gordon.
    • Coincidentally, they were both killed by a member of the Saviors via shot to the back.