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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Jerry's Battle Axe is a double-bladed battle axe used by Jerry in his role as Ezekiel's personal bodyguard. After its destruction, he briefly uses a second one before abandoning it in favor of a sword.


Jerry obtained this weapon and used it in his role as Ezekiel's bodyguard. When Rick Grimes arrives in the Kingdom, Jerry uses his axe to call Rick's attention to the regality of Ezekiel.

During the battle with the Saviors at the Chemical Plant Outpost, Jerry, having survived the massacre of the Kingdom's army, kills Gunther by splitting him in half with his axe, saving Ezekiel. Trying to escape a herd, Jerry attempts to use his axe to break open a chain-link gate, but only succeeds in breaking off his axe's head in the process and is reduced to using the broken handle as a weapon until Carol saves the two men.

After the destruction of his axe, Jerry is briefly seen holding another axe when Carol forces her way in to see the depressed Ezekiel. Before the final battle with the Saviors, Jerry sharpens his second axe in preparation for battle. However, he ultimately abandons the use of an axe completely and later uses a sword instead.

Killed Victims[]
