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This article is about the Novel Series character. You may be looking for the TV Series character.

Jocelyn is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. She was briefly married to Brian Blake. She is described as "a crazy Jamaican girl who is also compulsive, volatile, flaky."


Montego Bay, Jamaica[]

Jocelyn was originally a woman who grew up in Jamaica, came to the United States, and lived in Gainesville, Florida, when she married a man named Brian Blake. Their relationship was not good for her to disappear without a trace for weeks. After a brief marriage, she divorced him and returned to her hometown. It's known that her family lives in New York.


Rise of the Governor[]

Jocelyn is first mentioned by Brian Blake when talking to Philip Blake. He mentions hooking up with her for a short time and divorcing to return living with his parents.

Jocelyn's fate after the outbreak is unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jocelyn has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies.