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Walking Dead Wiki

Now that's an antique. Only one other one like it.

John's Revolvers are two customized nickel-plated Colt Single Action Army revolvers that act as the primary weapon of John Dorie having been passed down in his family for generations. Following his death, one of his guns becomes the primary weapon of his wife while the second one is later taken by his father until John Dorie Sr.'s death. Seven years later, after retrieving the guns from storage, June gives one to Odessa Sanderson.


John Dorie owned two customized nickel-plated Colt Single Action Army revolvers that had been in his family for generations. John Dorie I brought them West with him while John Dorie II used them to kill Deadeye Driscoll, getting his face into the newspaper for doing so.

After going away from the world, his father dropped the guns off at his son's cabin for him. However, after killing a robber during a convivence store hold up, John retreated from the world and put his guns away, vowing to never use them again.


Even after the outbreak began, John Dorie refuses to take his guns out of a lockbox where he kept them at his cabin, instead preferring to use melee weapons to defend himself against walkers even when it puts his life into danger. Only when June's life falls into danger from a small herd and he couldn't get to her in time did John pull his guns out to quickly kill the remaining walkers. John subsequently gives one of his guns to June who keeps it with her when she leaves the cabin, storing it in her backpack during her time at the Dell Diamond Baseball Stadium rather than actually utilizing the weapon.

When John takes off after June, he once again carries his remaining gun, utilizing it against both walkers and hostile survivors although John attempts to not actually kill anyone living. The gun is briefly stolen by Bill during a confrontation in the Trailer Park who threatens Morgan Jones with it. Morgan knocks the gun from Bill's hand with his staff and John recovers it and uses the gun to kill one of Leland's men on a nearby rooftop. As John helps Alicia Clark, Victor Strand and Luciana Galvez load their weapons and supplies into Al's SWAT van, he discovers June's backpack with his gun still inside of it which had been recovered by the group when the stadium fell. To his grief, John is informed by the group of the apparent death of June whom they knew as Naomi.

After killing Marcus with a rifle, John uses one of his revolvers to prevent the man from reanimating. Shortly thereafter, while fighting off a herd on the Route 185 Bridge, John lends one of his guns to Dakota for self-defense. Dakota uses it to kill a walker that was overpowering John, saving his life. However, after John discovers her murder of Cameron, Dakota threatens John and ultimately shoots him in the chest with his own gun before pushing John off of the bridge, killing him. When Dakota attempted to threaten Morgan, he knocks the weapon out of her hand with his battle axe.

After putting down a zombified John, June finds his second gun still on John's body while burying him. June contemplates using it to kill Virginia, but Hill takes the gun from her, aware of June's intentions. Hill subsequently hangs onto the weapon for his own use.

Morgan recovers the weapon that Dakota had used to kill John and gives it to June who starts wearing it as well as John's hat. Blaming Virginia for her husband's murder, June uses the same gun that Dakota had killed John with to execute Virginia - Dakota's mother and to June the reason for John's death - in revenge. June subsequently keeps the gun as her new primary weapon.

After being kidnapped by a man in an RV, June manages to overpower him long enough to draw her gun. The man is shocked to see the gun and reveals that it was his as he was John's father, John Dorie Sr. While talking with June, John deduces his son's death, partially from June's ownership of the gun. During their conversation, June realizes that Hill was hiding out at John's cabin and states that one reason that she wanted to find him was to retrieve the second gun which he still had after taking it from her. John Sr. agrees, commenting that the guns belonged as a pair. As the two travel, John asks what she knew of their history and June admits that she only knew that the guns had been in the Dorie family for generations. John proudly fills June in on what John I and John II had done with them during their respective ownership of the weapons. When John arrives at the cabin, Hill confronted him with the stolen gun, but John is able to disarm him and turns the gun upon Hill to demand answers about the Doomsday Cult. When Hill fought back, the two men briefly struggle over the gun before Hill shot John with John's own rifle. June arrives and kills Hill, saving John.

Following Hill's death, June and John recover the stolen second gun. June is later seen wearing both guns while attacking the USS Pennsylvania.

While confronting Teddy and Dakota, John Sr. and June are each armed with one of these guns. As the standoff continues, John signaled June to do the St Louis Barn Raiser trick shot. John fires his gun into the air, distracting Dakota who shoots John in the arm. As Dakota is distracted, June shoots the gun out of her hand. John and June took the guns with them into Teddy's Secret Bunker, John keeping his trained on Teddy as he entered.

During their time in the bunker, John and June keep the two guns hung up on the wall facing each other. One of John's daily tasks appears to be cleaning the guns. June later uses one to save John from a walker when he hallucinated it as Cindy Hawkins and he carries one when he hallucinates Cindy in the bunker's secret room before June disarms John. When John decides to leave the bunker in search of Cindy's body, he takes one of the guns with him and engages in a gunfight with three of the Stalkers, ultimately killing all three. When John and June left the bunker, each strap one of the guns to their belt.

John continues to carry his gun during his time as one of the guards at Strand's Tower, although June remains unarmed, presumably due to her non-combat role as the Tower's medic. During June's attempt to escape from the Tower with baby Mo, John drops his gun, but he later recovers it and used it to put down several walkers. However, he and June are forced to take cover when he is down to only one bullet. John later contemplates using his gun to kill Victor Strand, but he instead chooses to pistol-whip him unconscious. John apparently returns the gun to June before sacrificing himself to get Mo out of the Tower.

After being taken to PADRE, the guns are taken away from June and placed into deep storage. As a result, June switches to using pistols rather than her husband's guns, even after Madison's Group takes control of PADRE.

During the Fall of PADRE, June has Odessa Sanderson retrieve the guns for her which Odessa finds in a box labeled "Blue Jay," June's PADRE code name. When asked what they are by a confused Odessa, June calls them "a little help from the past." June uses the guns to fight off the herd, shooting a walker that grabs Odessa at one point. June later gives one to Odessa to use while June tends to an injured Hawk. Afterwards, June and Odessa both continue carrying one of the guns each.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with John's Revolvers:
