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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Josiah's Shovel is a shovel with a pickaxe attachment and a shoulder strap for easier carrying that serves as Josiah LaRoux's preferred weapon against walkers.


This shovel serves as Josiah LaRoux's preferred weapon against walkers. After putting them down, Josiah then proceeds to use the shovel to bury the bodies out of respect to the people that they once were, something that not many survivors bother to do.

During a battle between Josiah and Morgan Jones, Josiah uses the shovel and its pickaxe attachment to fight the other man who is using his staff and battle axe. At the end of the fight, Sarah Rabinowitz uses Josiah's shovel to put his brother Emile's reanimated head down by smashing the head in half with the shovel's blade.

When Josiah rescues Alicia Clark and joins Morgan's Group in leaving Texas, he appears to have either lost or discarded his shovel.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with Josiah's Shovel:
