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Walking Dead Wiki

Judith's Katana is a katana used by Judith Grimes as her primary weapon alongside Rick's Colt Python.


Original TV Series[]

During the six years following the supposed death of Rick Grimes, Michonne trains Judith in how to fight with a sword and a smaller version of Michonne's Katana becomes Judith's signature weapon, although she will occasionally also use her father's Colt Python. Judith primarily uses her katana with great effectiveness to dispatch walkers, although she does use it to kill a Whisperer during the fall of the Hilltop.

Following the relocation of many of Alexandria's residents to the Commonwealth, Judith's katana is one of the weapons offered to Sebastian Milton for his "advanced military training." Along with the other weapons of the Coalition, Sebastian treats the sword with disrespect, calling it a "toothpick" and tossing it aside.

The Ones Who Live[]

When Judith greets her parents, she is wearing both Rick's old Colt Python and her katana.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with Judith's katana:
