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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the uni who was present at the protest. You may be looking for the uni who loaded his car with water.

Hey, kid, put the camera down.
―Officer to Christopher Manawa.[src]

This LAPD uni is a character in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He is an officer of the Los Angeles Police Department.


Los Angeles, California[]

This man lived in Los Angeles and worked as a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department.


Season 1[]

"So Close, Yet So Far"[]

This officer is one of the many LAPD units to respond to the scene where a zombified homeless man was killed. He attempts to control the crowd of bystanders and protesters and orders Christopher Manawa to stop filming, but the other protesters tell Chris to ignore the officer.

As the city of Los Angeles quickly fell to the undead, this officer's fate remains unclear. It is unknown whether he was able to survive the outbreak or was killed and/or turned into a zombie.


Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 1[]


  • "Uni" is shorthand for "uniformed officer".

Other Actors[]

International Dubbers
Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech Vladimír Kudla N/A
French N/A N/A
German N/A N/A
Hungarian N/A N/A
Italian N/A N/A
Japanese N/A N/A
Spanish (Latin America) N/A N/A
Spanish (Spain) N/A N/A