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Walking Dead Wiki

Lake is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Lake's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Chapter 7 - Medical Facility[]

Eric Lake, Hailey, and Zoey go to a medical facility to look for supplies, which they are able to retrieve.

Lake's Story - A Shrewd Trick[]

Lake is on a run with Hailey and Eric and are attacked by a group of Raiders. One of the Raiders approaches a badly hurt Lake. The Raider tells his group members to investigate a nearby ambulance; however, Lake sets off some explosives thus killing the Raiders. Hailey and Eric kill all of the surviving Raiders and save Lake.

Chapter 8 - Bombsite[]

Eric, Zoey, Lake, Chloe, and Hailey make a plan to lure as much walkers away from them so that Chloe and Lake can set up explosives to kill the horde. After seeing how big the horde actually is, they decide to lure the horde towards The Cave so they can kill and/or trap as much of the dead as possible.

Chapter 9 - Cave[]

Zoey, Lake, and Chloe reach the cave and start setting up the explosives needed for the mission at hand and leave the area afterwards.

Dispatch - Rest 7[]

Lake asks the Dispatch Manager if scouting group can go out to find some much needed tools he needs for his explosives.

Fanya's Story - Past Identity[]

Lake goes on a run with Chloe, Sarah, Fanya, and Crane to a mansion in a neighborhood that used to be a hideout for The Raiders. After they defeated the raiders, they decided to scavenge the place where Sarah and Chloe find a locked safe and try to open it. The two fail to do so, but Fanya comes in and is able to crack the safe open after putting her ear to the door and listening to the clicks when turning the lock. Inside the safe, they find a bottle of amber liquor with a solid crystal bottle. Everyone else in the group goes inside the mansion while Fanya takes watch outside. They all drink the liquor while speculating about Fanya's past and all talk about what they know about her; she was found by Eric with a kid named Luca and was with him because his parents had died, she's spoken German with Gunther, she's spoken french with The Captain, she knows how to fight, she knows how to shoot, she known how to make herself a small target in battle, she knows how to crack a safe, and she is knowledgeable about high society. After this, they all speculate that she could have been a hitwoman or a secret agent, but Crane states that they're all drunk and talking nonsense, something the rest of the group agrees with. Crane states that at the end, it doesn't matter what they anybody did before the apocalypse before finishing the last of the liquor. Unbeknownst to the group, Fanya had been listening to their conversation and amusingly chuckles

Chapter 23 - Coastline[]

The Dispatch manager sends a group consisting of Lake, Eva, Crane, Jeff, David, and Andrew to a nearby rendzevous point so that they can trade supplies with a nearby community located on Grand Island. Due to not being able to use a vehicle and needing to carry all the supplies, the group starts to get tired and iritated. Eva reminds them that they're almost at the location and to stop whining.

Chapter 24 - Detour[]

The trading group arrives at the rendzevous point, but find no one there. Becoming suspicious of the situation, everyone begins to investigate the area to see if they can find any clues to what happened to the people they were supposed to meet up with. After finding the corpses of the two scouts they were supposed to be meeting with, the group decides to venture into Grand Island to see if there's any way they can help.

Chapter 25 - Something Unexpected[]

The trading group arrives at the South Grand Island Bridge, where they find it to be barricaded. Furthermore, the impending snow storm is making it harder to travel in. As they try to clear out the bridge, they notice that there was a battle between the Grand Island Scouts and The Raiders, which motivates them all to get to the island more quickly. However, due to how strong the storm is, they all decide to find a safe place for the time being before advancing towards the island.

Chapter 26 - Frozen River[]

The trading group cross over the frozen Niagara River to get to Grand Island. Jeff takes the lead while crossing the frozen river, warning everyone to move slowly and carefully. The group eventually crosses the river and rests up before moving forward.

Chapter 27 - Ominous Feeling[]

The trading group arrives at Grandyle Village and notices that the roads have been cleared of snow, however that there definetly had to be an attack due to the lack of maintnence anywhere else, something they presume that is due to the snow. The take notice of the tracks that were left behind by The Raiders' trucks and surmise that they must have military grade vehicles and weapons. Eventually the group reaches downtown Grandyle Village and find something red beneath all the snow.

Lake & Chloe & Sophia's Story - Custom Weapon[]

Lake and Chloe are making firecrackers so that Sophia can use to protect herself. Lake and Chloe do the math to make sure that the firecrackers are safe while Sophia helps them get the supplies needed. After they make the firecrackers, they go to a safe location where Sophia can test them out. The trio are happy with how the firecrackers performed.

Chapter 28 - Execution Grounds[]

the trading group arrives at a mass execution site where several people have been killed. They notice that many of the people, the former residents of Grandyle Village, have been tied up and either shot or stabbed in the head. They also notice that there are several children amongst the dead. They further investigate the execution site and notice that any corpse that wasn't tied up is that of the Raiders. They also notice how the blood is still fresh, meaning that the Raiders who did this could be nearby. Eventually, the reach the Grand Island Community and agree that if the fight against the Raiders becomes harder than expected, that they'll all retreat back to Asyl.

Chapter 29 - Annihilation[]

The trading group arrives at the community and sees several raiders still raiding the community. They comment how they expected there to be more of them, but all agree to kill them all. They notice that some of the dead have been treated more fairly than others, namely how some of the corpses have fresh flowers on them. Some of the group members mock the idea of trying to honor the dead after they were killed at The Raiders' hands. Andrew finds a book next to one of the Raiders' corpse and begins to read it. He then explains to the group the The Raiders' raided a nearby military outpost and that, alongside with the fact that they suprised attack the community, is how they were able to win.

Chapter 30 - No Way Out[]

The group debates on what to do next, knowing that The Raiders have stationed themselves on Navy Island. The group decides to go, and on the way they noticeand scavenge some of The Raider's abandoned trucks. They notice how the trucks had been shot up and destroyed, and assume that it was from a battle between The Raiders and any survivors from the Grand Island Community. At the end, the group decides to move towards Navy Island.

Chapter 31 - A Bad End[]

The group reaches Navy island and observes how the remaining Raiders are either injured or too tired to properly fight back. Despite some inital debate on what they should do, they all agree to elimiate the remaining group members once and for all. After the attack, the group decides to scavenge what they can from here to bring back to Asyl, but agree to come back later to gether any supplies they left behind.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Lake has killed:
