Lang (first name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Lang's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Lang's Story - Unkept Promises[]
Lang and his wife, Grace, are at their cabin and tries to deal with her slowly dying of diabetes. Grace makes Lang promise that he will put her down when she dies. Although he promises to do that, he couldn't do it at the end and keeps her locked up in one of the cabin rooms.
Survival Records - Doing What's Right[]
Guide and Blaine are tasked with trying to bring Lang into Asyl; however, he vehemently refuses and threatens to kill the pair if they don't leave. The two of them manage to track him down until they find a zombified woman, who they find out is Lang's wife Grace. Blaine tries to reason with Lang about putting her down, but sees he's beyond reasoning and tells Guide that they should leave.
Since he did not join Asyl, it's unknown what became of him after this.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Lang has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Lang is one of two people known to have rejected Asyl's invitation to join their community.
- The other character to reject the invitation is Rajesh; however he did state that he'd be open to join them some time in the future.
- Oddly enough, Lang was initally used as a promotional character for the games International Expansion during the right before the South Korea storyline began but after both Jun-Hyuk and Yi-Rang were revealed.
- Lang has a second skin called "Slaughterer".
- He is one of two males characters to have a second skin, the second one is Abraham Ford.