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Walking Dead Wiki

I love you, baby.
―Lee's Ex-Wife during Lee's dream.[src]

Lee's ex-wife is a character in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. She is the former wife of Lee Everett.


Athens, Georgia[]

Lee and his ex-wife spent their married lives in Athens, Georgia, where Lee worked as a university history professor and his wife often traveled for work. Lee did not fully support her chosen profession; it kept them apart too much and he wanted to have a family with her. Six years into Lee's job as a professor, Lee returned to his home early and discovered a man in his house with his wife. Lee accidentally killed the man in a fight, horrifying his wife. When Lee was arrested and charged with the murder of a state senator, Lee's wife filed in divorce papers. The two did not see each other for a long time, with Lee later postulating that she was staying in Virginia.


Season One[]

"A New Day"[]

When Lee is being transported to Meriwether County Correctional Facility by a police officer, the first mentioning of his wife is when the officer mentions how Lee could've "just married "the wrong woman". When Lee finds sanctuary in the Greene Family Farm, he has a nightmare of his wife saying, "I love you baby", before screaming in terror, possibly indicating the moment he killed the state senator. Depending on how Lee responds to Hershel's questioning Lee can tell Hershel that he thinks his wife is in Virginia.

When Lee finds his way to his family's pharmacy, he meets Carley, a news reporter who is aware of his crime in killing a state senator for sleeping with his wife, but agrees to keep it a secret. Two other survivors, Larry and his daughter Lilly, know of Lee's convicted murderer status, but to what extent isn't clear.

"Starved For Help"[]

When Lee talks with Carley over what happened with the state senator, (Determinant) Lee can admit killing him was an accident and that he was pretty much aware that his wife was cheating on him for some period of time. (Determinant)

"Long Road Ahead"[]

Lee can tell the others in his group that he killed before the apocalypse and reveal to Kenny and Katjaa that his wife's affair was the reason involved. Katjaa appears to not want to hear much about Lee's motivation for killing the senator after she hears the initial explanation about an apparent relation between Lee's wife and the senator. (Determinant)

"No Time Left"[]

When Lee meets the Stranger who kidnapped Clementine, he can reveal what transpired between him and his wife. Lee expresses remorse over the pain he had caused her and seems to finally forgive her for her betrayal. (Determinant)



  • Sam - Late Lover †



The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]


  • If Lee tells Carley that the death of the state senator was an accident, Lee suggests that he had already known about his wife having an affair. This indicates that her affair had likely been going on for a while.
    • Lee can later state to the stranger that his wife cheating on him had once been his biggest fear, further indicating that he had suspected her for a while.