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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Comic Series character. You may be looking for her Match 3 Tales or TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Lucille

You're off your game. Ninjas... Don't use broadswords.
―Lucille to Negan, possibly her last words.[src]

Lucille is a main character in Image Comics' The Walking Dead, appearing in Here's Negan. She is the wife of Negan.


Lucille is a very sweet and kind woman. Although she can often be annoyed with her husband Negan, she still cares for him very much. She usually acts as Negan's more reasonable side and also shares some of his humor.



Not much is known about Lucille's life prior to the outbreak, other than she had a husband named Negan and she was diagnosed with cancer.


At some point after "Negan Lives", Negan travels by to hospital Lucille died at, recovered her body, and buried her at Springhaven.


Killed By
  • Cancer (Alive)

Lucille dies peacefully from her cancer.

After she reanimates, Negan is unable to put her down and requests Jeremy to do it. Jeremy then puts a zombified Lucille down using a fire extinguisher.




Comic Series[]

Here's Negan[]

  • "Part 1"
  • "Part 2"
  • "Part 3"
  • "Part 4"
  • "Part 5"
  • "Part 6" (Zombified)


  • Negan dedicates his signature melee weapon, a barbed wire baseball bat, to Lucille.
  • Lucille is one of the few characters featured in The Walking Dead to die due to a natural illness.
  • Robert Kirkman confirmed that Negan successfully recovered Lucille's body and buried her, as seen by her grave stone in Issue 193.[1]

