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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The MK2 defensive hand grenade (sometimes written MK II) is a fragmentation hand grenade used by the U.S. armed forces during World War II and in later conflicts including the Vietnam War. The Mk II was standardized in 1920 replacing the Mk I of 1917. It was phased out gradually, the U.S. Navy being the last users. It was replaced by the M26-series and later M61 and M67 grenades. On 2 April 1945 the Mk II and Mk IIA1 were redesignated the Mk 2 and Mk 2A1.

The MK2 Grenade as well as a variety of other grenades were seen such as an Anti-Tank Grenade in the Grenade Crate in Morgan's Apartment. It can be presumed Rick Grimes took some grenades.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

Mk2 grenades "Clear" The crate of MK2 Grenades inside a large chest in Morgan Jones' apartment.

Season 4[]

TWDS4E08 67 "Too Far Gone" Daryl Dixon priming a MK2 grenade before throwing it at The Governor's men.
TWDS4E08 68 "Too Far Gone" Daryl preparing to throw a MK2 grenade into the main cannon of Mitch's tank.

