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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Telltale Series character. You may be looking for the Road to Survival character.

Mac, he was our foreman.
―Andrew mentioning Mac. (Determinant)[src]

Mac is a survivor of the outbreak mentioned in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He was the foreman who worked at the St. John's Dairy Farm.


Rural Georgia[]

Almost nothing was known about Mac's life prior to the outbreak. It was known that he worked as a foreman at the St. John's Dairy Farm.


Season One[]

After the initial outbreak, numerous workers of the dairy farm fled to find those they had lost contact with. Mac stayed behind instead of leaving, seeing a better chance at survival if he stayed. He managed to rig wiring around the perimeter of the farm and connect it to a generator with enough horsepower for constant protection from walkers in the form of an electrified fence. Sometime in the three months after the outbreak, however, he was allegedly killed by walkers, as given by Andrew St. John.

"Starved For Help"[]

Mac was mentioned by Andrew in a conversation with Lee. Andy told Lee that Mac was the one who had modified the farm's generator, but did not escape the farm like the other farmhands.


Killed By

The St. Johns mentioned how during the first night, Mac was killed by zombies, however, it is also highly possible that he was one of the first victims of the St. John's cannibalism.

Andy mentioned that the Save-Lots Bandits killed a few of their farmhands, meaning Mac is probably one of them.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims that Mac has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]

