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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Malcolm is a survivor of the outbreak and an antagonist who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Malcolm's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Malcolm's Story - A Level Playing Field[]

Malcolm goes to a nearby warehouse with his group. Before this however, he had contacted the Raiders and told them where his group will be and to kill everyone, except him, as they are all cannibals and if he is allowed to survive that he can take them to a nearby supply cache he knows about. His plan goes without a hitch, but he soon quickly realizes that the raiders are planning to betray him. Observing how the leader is only interested in the location of the cache. After another raider tries to trick him by giving him an empty gun, and lore him into a trap. When he figures out what they were trying to do, he grabs a gun and shoots everyone dead. Knowing that the rest of his group will come soon, he tries to come up with an excuse for what happened.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Malcolm has killed:


  • Malcolm is one of five character to have non-canon deaths during the "Journey Back" Event.
  • Malcolm is the only member of The Cannibals to have an unknown status.