“ | I travelled all over, giving lectures... months and months away from Matin and his mom. (...) I forged it. Suddenly, all those papers that had been praising me were smearing my name. One day, I come home, my wife's at the door, bags packed. (...) She said I was more concerned with making history than I was with... making a life for her and my son. But this place... I have made history here. My wife and my boy are out there somewhere, and if they find it, they'll see that this history can be their life. So what you call a lack of compassion and restraint, I call building a legacy.
” |
Matin's mother is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is the ex-wife of Howard and the mother of Matin.
Austin, Texas[]
Before the outbreak, this woman lived with her husband and son in Austin, Texas. However, she took Matin and left his father after Howard was discovered to have forged a historical document.
Under unknown circumstances, Matin and his mother both died and reanimated. They were eventually found and put down by Victor Strand's rangers. However, Strand kept this information from Howard who had been hoping that his family would eventually find Strand's Tower.
Season 7[]
"Sonny Boy"[]
While talking with Howard, John Dorie Sr. notices the picture of the man's family. Howard reveals the story behind his wife and son leaving him and his hope that Matin and his mother will some day find the Tower.
After John is forced to throw Howard to his death, Victor Strand reveals to him that Matin and his mother were never going to find the Tower as they are both dead. Strand's Rangers had found them both months ago as zombies and it appeared as if they had been dead for a long time. Strand admits that he had kept this information from Howard in order to keep him hoping and thus on Strand's side.
- Killed By
- Unknown cause (Alive)
This woman died of an unknown cause and she eventually reanimated.
- Tower rangers (Zombified)
She was eventually discovered and put down by Strand's rangers.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this woman has killed:
- Possibly a few zombies
Fear the Walking Dead[]
Season 7[]
- "Sonny Boy" (Photograph)