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This article is about the Telltale Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Matthew

I see at least one group a day move through here. You all look the same. It's like a great migration of the dazed and confused.
―Matthew to Luke and Clementine about seeing several groups pass a day.[src]

Matthew is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He is a resident of the Moonstar Lodge and the boyfriend of Walter.


At first, it is unsure if Matthew is a trustworthy individual. However, he seems to be a friendly and generous person. According to him, he has seen many groups pass by his bridge. When he meets Clementine and Luke, he offers them food and supplies at his cabin. However, Nick, believing his friends are in danger, shoots and kills Matthew. It's later revealed that Matthew was indeed a good person, and was part of Kenny's group. His boyfriend Walter, speaks highly of Matthew and becomes saddened and also angered when he figures out he is dead, and can determinately allow Nick to be killed by walkers as revenge.


Location Unknown[]

Almost nothing is known about Matthew's life prior to or as the outbreak began. However, judging by a photo of him and Walter at the ski lodge while it was functioning and Walter's words, they had met before the apocalypse. He and Walter frequently vacationed at the ski lodge they were found staying at.


Moonstar Lodge[]

Little is known about Matthew's life after the outbreak, but it is known that he and Walter found the lodge a few weeks before Kenny and Sarita did. Walter commented later on that he and Matthew had not known what to do with the ski lodge before Kenny and Sarita arrived, saying that both of them had "been a huge help" in fortifying the lodge into what it was when Clementine and the rest of the cabin group reached the ski lodge later on. Walter also commented that Matthew always being nice to the strangers, and that although he knew the danger in such behavior, he continued to be friendly with all people who he met. Sarita noted that Matthew and Walter were nice people, and even though they knew how dangerous it was to be nice to strangers, they could not change their perspective.

While staying at the lodge, Matthew frequently ventured down towards the bridge to retreat to the cabin there. He spent most of the daytime there, keeping a chest full of food and a book collection within. He also saw it his job to monitor the bridge whenever people tried to pass. His outings did not worry Sarita and Kenny though Walter expressed some concern in how dangerous it could be due to him being alone. He was not put off by such and continued to watch (in his words) "the [numerous] dazed and confused" cross the bridge daily.

Season Two[]

"A House Divided"[]

Matthew approaches Clementine and Luke on a bridge. Initially, he distrusts them by asking questions, but ultimately they begin to get along very well. Just after Matthew offers them some food, he spots Nick running towards him on the bridge, wielding a gun. They both aim towards each other, but regardless of Clementine and Luke's words, Nick shoots Matthew in the neck, resulting in him falling off of the bridge.

Walter, unaware of Matthew's death, makes numerous references to his lover and tells Clementine that she would like him. Sarita also expects him to return soon and explains to Clementine and Sarah a petty game of nicknaming each other they each played. Walter becomes worried after finishing dinner and meeting Bonnie about Matthew's whereabouts, but his concern soon morphs into quiet anger when he discovers Matthew's knife in Clementine's backpack. When Clementine hesitantly confronts him before the storm, he states that he is aware that Matthew was dead, asking if she would tell him who did it. If Clementine admits that Nick killed him, Walter is momentarily shocked at the confirmation of his lover's death before he quickly tries to get Clementine's judgment on whether or not he should hate Nick. If Clementine assures him that Nick was a good guy, then Walter desperately asks Nick when he joins the two of them outside for the truth before realizing the knife in his hand and tossing it aside. Alternatively, if Clementine tells him that Nick was no different than anyone else or if Walter left to form his own opinion on Nick, he becomes aggressive toward Nick when he joins the two of them outside, only choosing not to kill Nick himself at the last moment.

Based on what Clementine had told Walter before, Walter will either allow his partner's killer to be devoured by a walker or save his life, although Walter appears to not feel anything toward Nick after making his choice.

Right before Walter is executed by William Carver, he looks at a picture of himself and Matthew, remembering happier times.


Killed By

Nick shoots Matthew in the neck, thinking he was going to kill Luke and Clementine. Matthew staggers, holding his neck in pain and tries to shoot his rifle at Nick, but he falls off the bridge into the lake below before doing so. It is assumed that he either died from blood loss, drowning, or the impact when he fell into the river. According to Nick, Luke gave him a "clear shot", signaling him to shoot Matthew by waving his arms in air.

Given that his brain may not have been destroyed upon impact, it’s possible that he could have reanimated.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Matthew has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


For a more in-depth look at Matthew's relationships, read here: Matthew (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Matthew's most memorable quotes.

Season Two

"Saw you coming and I thought I'd meet you halfway."
- Matthew to Clementine and Luke on the bridge, "A House Divided"

"Huh. You don't look like assholes. Are you assholes? No offense or anything. But you know how it is out here. You run into a lot of assholes. (…) Touché."
- Matthew asking if Clementine and Luke are assholes (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"You folks headed north like everyone else. (…) I see at least one group a day move through here. You all look the same. It's like a great migration of the dazed and confused."
- Matthew to Luke and Clementine about seeing several groups pass a day, "A House Divided"

"It's sort of my business, considering I live here. (…) Yep. You're in my backyard."
- Matthew if Clementine asks why he cars (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Christa? Maybe. (…) Nah, I mean, a lot of people come through here. I don't know."
- Matthew if Clementine asks if he saw Christa (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Carver? Like George Washington Carver? The peanut guy? (…) Never heard of him. But now I want some peanut butter, though."
- Matthew if Clementine asks if he knows Carver (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"I gotta say, you two look like shit. If you need food, I've got some canned stuff in that station back here. (…) No catch. I've got plenty. (…) ey, no problem. Nice running into friendly faces out here. Like I said, I've got food and supplies back in the station. And if you want... What the fuck, man?"
- Matthew offering supplies to Clementine and Luke before seeing Nick point a gun at him, "A House Divided"

"Put it down!"
- Matthew yelling to Nick, also his last words, "A House Divided"


The Telltale Series[]

Season Two[]


For more images of Matthew, please visit Matthew (Telltale)/Gallery.


