Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The "Maya Trailer" is the third short of Overkill's The Walking Dead. It showcases Maya Evans, one of the playable protagonists of the game.


Maya Evans washes her bloody hands in a diner. A flashback shows a recently bitten man being rolled into a hospital room. Maya and her fiance, David, attempt to save him, but he dies only seconds later. The man turns and tries to attack Maya. Maya continues to wash her hands as another flashback shows Maya and David trying to hold two doors closed as a bunch of zombies try to break in. Maya and David manage to successfully kill all the zombies, however David is sadly bitten in the process. David aids Maya in aiming a gun at his head and she pulls the trigger. In present time, Maya looks at herself in the mirror before punching it.



  • David
  • One unnamed man (Alive and Zombified)

