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Walking Dead Wiki

Brother Maywell shot him in the head and buried him out behind the sacristy.
―Norma explaining how Maywell shot their pastor.[src]

Maywell (first name unknown) is a zombified character first encountered in The Walking Dead: Invasion. He is one of the many Calvary Baptist Church members found reanimated in the chapel.


Jasper, Florida[]

Nothing is known about Maywell's life prior to or as the outbreak began except that he was a regular at Calvary Baptist Church in Jasper, Florida.


Jasper, Florida[]

Early on into the outbreak, the congregation of Calvary Baptist Church continued their church services. Shortly after, they lost their pastor, Reverend Helms, to the dead. After he reanimated, Maywell was the one to shoot him in the head and bury him out back behind the sacristy. The congregation continued on with their services until one day, a family of church regulars brought in a kid with them to the Sunday service. Kid had been bit and after reanimating, it took less than a week for the infection to spread among the whole church. As the congregation panicked and screamed, Norma Sutters locked everybody in the chapel as they were devoured. The victims reanimated, with Maywell likely among them, and Norma wasn't able to put any of them down but at some point managed to chain most of them to the pews with makeshift tethers of rope and electrical cord so she could attempt to minister to them.


Jeremiah Garlitz, Reese Hawthorne and Stephen Pembry stumble upon Calvary Baptist Church after fleeing Woodbury, Georgia and crashing their car. Inside the building they realize that somebody has been living there recently and discover the chapel infested with forty or fifty restrained walkers. It takes only a few minutes for Jeremiah to go from pew to pew, blowing the heads off the biters with his Mossberg shotgun or thrusting his Randall knife through the nasal cavities before the parishioners even get a chance to bite at the air. Meanwhile Stephen watches the proceedings from the doorway while Reese looks on in horror, crouched by the chapel entrance. Jeremiah lets out an orgasmic sigh of relief after finishing off the congregation.

The group finds Norma Sutters hiding in the second-floor bathroom. After calming her down, Norma explains how her congregation died and that Maywell put down their Pastor.


Killed by
  • Unnamed Family (Caused)
  • Unnamed Kid (Infected, Caused)

Once Sunday, a family brings a child they found with them to the church service. The kid was bitten and reanimates, causing everybody to die within a week.

Jeremiah single handedly puts down the entire tied up congregation.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Maywell has killed:

  • Helms (Zombified)
  • Possibly a few church members (Infected)


Novel Series[]

