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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Mercer's axes are mainly used by Mercer as they are his signature weapons.




Comic Series[]

The axes are seen from Issue 177 all the way to Issue 188.

It is unknown what happened to the axes after the 25 year time skip.

TV Series[]

Much like in the comic series, the axes are the signature weapon of Michael Mercer.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with Mercer's axes:

TV Series[]

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people

Comic Series[]

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


Comic Series[]

TWDIssue177 Cover Mercer as he has the axes ready.
Issue 177 - Mercer 2 Issue 177 Mercer with his axes after killing a bunch of walkers.
Issue 178 - Mercer 5 Issue 178 Mercer ordering Princess to stop after throwing one of his axes to disarm her.
Issue 181 - Mercer 5 Issue 181 Mercer with his axes, ready to fight the walkers.
Issue 181 - Mercer & Juanita Issue 181 Mercer kissing Princess while holding his axes.
Issue 186 - Mercer 3 Issue 186 Mercer killing walkers.
Issue 187 - Mercer 4 Issue 187 Mercer killing walkers.

TV Series[]

Season 11[]

11x10 Mercer and Sebastian "New Haunts" Michael Mercer waiting for Sebastian Milton to pick his weapon, while having his axes on him.
11x11 Mercer "Rogue Element" Michael stepping out of his truck.
11x12 General Mercer "The Lucky Ones" Michael after killing a bunch of walkers.
11x14 Mercer Vs. Walker "The Rotten Core" Michael battling a walker.
11x18 General Mercer "A New Deal" Michael ready to protect the Commonwealth.
