This Mexican baby is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this baby's life prior to or as the outbreak began. She was presumably born in Mexico and has a father, mother, and brother. Given the fact that the baby is less than a year old, it's likely that she hadn't even been born until after the apocalypse had already taken place.
Season 3[]
The baby was trapped in her family station-wagon with her mother on a bridge over the Yellow Jacket Creek as walkers surrounded the car, with one crawling in from the trunk. The baby's father and brother were outside attempting to fight off the walkers. They were all saved by Daryl, while Merle was spectating. After the walkers had been killed, Merle began to ransack the car, while keeping the baby's father and brother at bay with his gun. Merle was stopped by Daryl, who raised his crossbow at him, allowing the father to drive away safely with his family.
TV Series[]
Season 3[]
- "Home" (No Lines)
- This is the second baby character to appear in the TV Series, the first being Judith Grimes, the third being an unnamed baby from Woodbury who was later taken in to the prison with her mother.