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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Fear character. For other pages with the same name, see: Michael

Michael Sherman is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He is a former worker at Lonestar Power & Light in Texas.



Before the outbreak, Michael worked at a power plant called Lonestar Power & Light in Texas where Grace Mukherjee was an operations manager.



When the outbreak began, Grace called in all of the plant's shifts to keep it running, later calling in all of their families when things got worse. Due to the abundance of supplies and the sturdiness of the plant itself, the survivors were able to form a safe community with the plant's walls. However, they lacked the infrastructure to properly maintain the plant and one of the reactors melted down, killing all but Grace. Michael died in the meltdown and became a walker contaminated by radiation that wandered the area around the plant.

Season 5[]

"The Hurt That Will Happen"[]

A year after the meltdown, Michael and another walker were drawn into one of Grace's traps using a birdcage suspended in midair. Before Grace could kill him, Morgan intervened, confused by the trap. After Morgan dispatched the regular walker, he became ensnared by Grace's bola and struggled with Michael, impaling him through the abdomen with his staff. As they struggled, Grace kicked Michael on his back and shot him in the head, killing him.

Following Michael's second death, Grace collected his dosimeter and added it to the collection she gathered from the radioactive walkers she had put down. Due to Morgan's close contact with Michael, he was forced to undergo decontamination and permanently lost his staff as it would've absorbed the radiation beyond cleaning. Grace later stated that she intended to take Michael and the other radioactive remains she had gathered to some caverns near the plant and bury them there where they would cause no harm to anyone else.

Season 6[]

"In Dreams"[]

In Grace's dream, she finds Michael as a walker beneath one of her bird traps, just as he was before she met Morgan. Seeing Michael in her dream causes Grace to explain her terminal condition to Athena. Their discussion is interrupted by the arrival of Riley and three cultists. Michael joins the cultists in facing off against the two women, but vanishes afterwards.


Killed by
  • Reactor Meltdown (Alive)

Following the beginning of the outbreak, the survivors at the power plant lacked the infrastructure needed to properly keep the plant going. As a result, one of the reactors melted down, killing all of the survivors at the plant, including Michael and contaminating them.

A year after the meltdown, Grace lured Michael and another walker into a trap a couple of miles from the plant using birds in a cage. As Morgan struggled with the zombified Michael, Grace knocked him off of Morgan and shot Michael in the head.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims he has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people




Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


  • Though his name is not given in the episode, it is visible on his dosimeter when Grace examines it.