Michelle's boyfriend is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a member of the Saviors.
Location Unknown[]
Almost nothing is known about Michelle's boyfriend's life prior to or as the outbreak began, other than he was in a relationship with Michelle. The two were going to have a baby named Frank, after Michelle's late father, however he died in a miscarriage.
Washington, D.C.[]
At some point in the apocalypse, he and his girlfriend somehow came into contact with a group named "The Saviors" which they subsequently joined.
He aided his group in terrorizing other survivors and communities around the area into subjugating to Negan's will, where their victims would be forced to give half their supplies in exchange for not being murdered.
Season 6[]
"Start to Finish"[]
As Daryl Dixon, Abraham Ford, and Sasha Williams continue their drive back to Alexandria Safe Zone after briefly being separated the day before, they are stopped by a group of Saviors, consisting of Michelle's boyfriend, Bud, Timmy, and other armed men. Bud informs the trio that their truck, weapons, and all other supplies now belong to his leader, Negan.
"No Way Out"[]
Michelle's boyfriend watches as Bud takes the trio's weapons and orders Timmy to make Daryl open the back of the truck. After a moment of holding the other two at gunpoint, Bud lowers the guns and says he won't kill either of them. However, he changes his mind after a moment and pulls the guns on them once again, though before he can kill either, he, Michelle's boyfriend, and the rest of the Saviors are blown up with a rocket launcher by Daryl.
- Killed By
As Bud holds Sasha and Abraham at gunpoint, he threatens to kill them but then decides not to. However, he quickly changes his mind and prepares to execute the two. Before Bud can pull the trigger, he, along with the rest of the Saviors are blown up seconds later with an RPG by Daryl.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Michelle's boyfriend has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
TV Series[]
Season 6[]
- While it is never specified which actor played Michelle's boyfriend, it is confirmed he was one of the Saviors blown up by Daryl. Meaning, it can be determined that the possible actors are either Josh D'Agostino, Brian Farmer, Danny Linginfelter, Brandon Gamble, Matt Bolick, or Joey Rodriguez.