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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

It's called a leaf rubbing. My teacher Miss Moore showed us how do to 'em when we went to the botanical garden once.
Clementine about Miss Moore.[src]

Miss Moore (first name and née unknown) is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. She was Clementine's teacher and had taught her on how to make a leaf-print.



All that is known about Miss Moore's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she was Clementine's first-grade teacher, and took her and her class to their school's Botanical Garden. There, she taught them all how to make leaf-prints.


Season One[]

It is unknown whether or not Miss Moore survived the initial outbreak.

"Long Road Ahead"[]

Miss Moore is mentioned when Lee Everett is talking to Clementine about the broken flashlight. He asks her what she's drawing, and she tells him that it's a leaf-print and Miss Moore taught her how to do it.

Killed Victims[]

The list shows victims Miss Moore has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]
