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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Rick -- he gave you this gun for a reason. Use it.

Morgan's Rifle is a Remington 700 BDL rifle given to Morgan Jones by Rick Grimes before they first parted ways.


This rifle originally belonged to the King County Sheriff's Department.


Original TV Series[]

Rick Grimes retrieves a Remington rifle from the weapons' locker at the King County Sheriff's Department and gives it to Morgan Jones before they part ways so that Morgan can use it to put his zombified wife Jenny down. However, while Morgan shoots several walkers from his house's window, he can't bring himself to shoot Jenny.

When Rick returns to King County months later, he finds the rifle in Morgan's Hideout and learns that Morgan wasn't able to bring himself to put Jenny down before she fatally bit their son Duane. At some point before he abandons King County for good, Morgan apparently returns the gun to the house where he was living with Duane, and he leaves it there along with a box of extra ammunition in a shoebox under the bed.

Fear the Walking Dead[]

After returning to the Drake Family Home over a decade after first leaving King County, Morgan instructs Grace to search the front bedroom on the second floor for the rifle, telling her that there will be extra ammo for it in a shoebox under the bed if the gun is present. However, confused by how Morgan knows the layout of the house, Grace refuses to look until Morgan explains, and he admits that he had lived in the house with Duane before Duane's death.

Later, Mo calls her parents to the bedroom after seeing the walls covered in Morgan's insane ramblings, surprising Morgan as he doesn't remember ever coming back to the house after Duane's death. Morgan finds the rifle leaning against the wall by the window and he reveals how Rick Grimes had given it to him to put Jenny down. When Morgan aims the gun out of the window, he briefly hallucinates a burning walker as Jenny. Telling Morgan that Rick had given him the gun for a reason and to use it, Grace convinces Morgan to fight his way out of the house. Wearing a belt holding extra ammo, Morgan shoots several walkers as they fight their way outside, but he again hallucinates a walker as Jenny before it's put down by the PADRE forces outside. The gun is subsequently taken from Morgan by Oriole who nearly kills him with it before Dwight kills Oriole in order to save Morgan.

Rushing to his daughter's rescue as the house burns down, Morgan uses the rifle to put down the walkers outside, fighting through his hallucinations of them being a zombified Jenny. Morgan is shocked to discover that he had chained up a zombified Duane in the attic and, with Mo's life in danger, Morgan finally puts his son down using the gun that Rick had given him over a decade earlier to put his wife down. Morgan holds onto the rifle afterwards, bashing in the head of a walker that suddenly rises up and bites Grace and shooting dead two PADRE guards at a dock.

Although Morgan has the gun on the boat when Kingfisher and Magpie attack, he doesn't use it, instead negotiating with Shrike. The two presumably take the gun from him when Morgan's group surrenders, but Morgan doesn't take it with him when he and Mo retrieve their weapons from PADRE's truck.

It later briefly appears in Morgan's flashbacks of losing Jenny and Duane.

Killed Victims[]
