Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

...and now he wants a cell phone, can you believe that?
―This mother talking to another mom.[src]

This mother is a character in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is the mother of a child attending King County Elementary School.


King County, Georgia[]

Nothing is known about this mother's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she lived in the same rural area as the Grimes family and had at least one child, who attended the same elementary school as Carl Grimes.

Season 2[]


In a flashback, this woman chats with another mother as they wait for their children to be released from school. She mentions her son is requesting a cell phone, which she is surprised by.


Nothing is known about this mom's life after the outbreak. It is unknown whether she was able to survive or was killed and/or reanimated.


TV Series[]

Season 2[]


Other Actresses[]

International Dubbers
Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech N/A N/A
French N/A N/A
German N/A N/A
Hungarian N/A N/A
Italian N/A N/A
Japanese N/A N/A
Spanish (Latin America) Mariana de Iraola Jessie Anderson
Alpha (10)
Spanish (Spain) N/A N/A